
Hello - 100% Peer to Peer video chat using webrtc.

Primary LanguageHTML

About Hello

Hello is a 100% peer-to-peer video communication solution that does not have any signaling server. In other words, the server is purely for serving the HTML page & its assets and the video communication is 100% peer-to-peer using WebRTC.

Why is there a manual step involved?

WebRTC is a peer-to-peer protocol for the web, but it does not have any mechanism for peer discovery. So there is a manual step involved to exchange your details, so that you can connect with your peer directly.

What details am I exchanging with my peer?

You will be exchanging your SDP & ICE Candidates which is necessary for your peer to connect to you. We share this details by converting it to a base64 encoded string, so that it can be transmitted through URL.

For trying out locally

Run the following commands

git clone https://github.com/vasanthv/hello.git

cd hello

npm install

npm start

Point your browser to http://localhost:3000/