
A system designed to be used on raspberrypi for a car

Primary LanguagePython


A system designed to work with raspberry pi 4 and a touch screen monitor


Backup Camera functionality

The ability to switch between screens using a swipe

Bluetooth Audio streaming from phone or other device

Bluetooth commands (Play, Pause)

Bluetooth Pairing


pygame pip3 install pygame

numpy pip3 install numpy

opencv (will be installed later)


Plug in the following:

*connect ethernet (or wifi later)


*monitor: hdmi touchscreen

*microSD with raspbian

*usb (to migrate boot to)

*power cord

turn on the raspberrypi and continue through the setup page until it propts you to restart, do this

then run the opencv script from above. This will migrate the root directory to the flashdrive and then install opencv (It will take around 3 hours to complete)

cd ~
git clone https://github.com/explosion33/carSystem car
cd car
python3 main.py

This will setup all of the graphical interfaces

Raspberry Pi + Bluetooth Audio Setup

to setup the audio streaming portion start by entering

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install bluez pulseaudio-module-bluetooth python-gobject python-gobject-2

then add user "pi" to the default group

sudo usermod -a -G lp pi

next enter

sudo nano /etc/bluetooth/audio.conf

and add Enable=Source,Sink,Media,Socket to the file then enter

sudo nano /etc/pulse/daemon.conf

and add resample-method = trivial Finally Reboot, sudo reboot

Change the bluetooth adapter name by entering:

system-alias <Alias Here>

Right click on the top menu bar and click Add / Remove Panel Items then scroll down to bluetooth and select remove

check to see if the bluetooth is working buy running

sudo hciconfig hci0 piscan

the device with the alias should appear under your bluetooth section

if the the device does not show up on an iphone go to a text to hex converter and convert the name you want to show up into hex

for example: Car System is 4361722053797374656d

the max character limit for the hex is 22

if the hex does not reach 22 you need to pad the end with 0's

4361722053797374656d has only 20 characters so you make it 4361722053797374656d00

then enter sudo /bin/hciconfig hci0 inqdata "0c09[hex here]020a00091002006b1d460217050d03001801180e110c1115110b1100" and add your hex code where it says hex here (remove the parenthesis)

this should make it discoverable


Steps adapted from this guide