Use any of the 1000+ fonts (and their variants) from fonts.google.com in your Expo app.
- 59
Inter_600SemiBold from @expo-google-fonts/inter crashing my react-native app on ios
#109 opened by Abayomzee - 0
Add “Golos Text” Font
#112 opened by ccxdev - 3
Add geist and geist mono fonts from google-fonts
#110 opened by wriddhi - 0
- 8
Unable to resolve module missing-asset-registry-path from /node_modules/@expo-google-fonts/manrope/Manrope_200ExtraLight.ttf:
#81 opened by punksta - 3
- 1
- 6
Little hack that I made
#6 opened by ftzi - 15
fontFamily "WorkSans_300Light" is not a system font and has not been loaded through Font.loadAsync.
#9 opened by chirag773 - 11
Expo SDK 50 embedded fonts
#106 opened by enfipy - 0
- 0
Fonts aren't loading in web
#104 opened by sscssc11 - 3
google-font "Lato not working
#57 opened by eebbann - 0
Each font variant as a separate module
#103 opened by RobertSasak - 1
use Jest compatible index.js
#48 opened by trajano - 0
Cannot import font JetBrains Mono
#102 opened by freudarian - 0
Cannot install @expo-google-fonts/noto-sans-sc
#101 opened by nn1900 - 0
Display swap on web
#100 opened by RichardLindhout - 4
- 0
- 3
Since expo-app-loading is being deprecated, can the readme change to expo-splash-screen
#82 opened by obayit - 1
not working expo 36
#55 opened by vivek751 - 0
Roboto Flex is not up to date
#94 opened by amireds - 0
- 1
android bundling complete but still expo google fonts don't get loaded or it shows null or nothing in screen
#86 opened by nikeshD10 - 0
TextStyle property fontVariant not working on iOS
#85 opened by cseelus - 0
Regenerate packages to pull in upstream changes?
#80 opened by mikegee - 2
- 1
Font fails MD5 integrity check
#75 opened by tomrom-pomelo - 3
UseFonts throws an error in Mac BigSur
#38 opened by poustchi - 3
- 2
Add Zen Kaku font
#54 opened by douardo - 0
- 4
Is Urbanist Font available ?
#51 opened by julien040 - 1
Fonts issue
#52 opened by chrissop - 5
- 8
[Bundling failed]: node_modules/@expo-google-fonts/dev/index.js: Maximum call stack size exceeded
#50 opened by ftzi - 2
Unrecognized font family "Poppins-Light"
#18 opened by d-warfield - 1
Dark mode gallery issue
#37 opened by pipedreambomb - 5
expo google fonts types say `__metdata__` but the actual object uses `__metadata__`
#43 opened by trajano - 0
useFont quicksand not loaded
#42 opened by Tristan816la - 2
- 2
Not working import { AppLoading } from 'expo';
#21 opened by swarnab99 - 6
- 2
Font Sora not found
#14 opened by bceppi - 2
Nesting styles on iOS
#11 opened by skurpi - 1
Caching fonts
#13 opened by maralihart - 1
Epilogue Font Import: Not Supported
#24 opened by azzageee - 2
Space Mono seems not to install correctly
#12 opened by wlycdgr - 1
expo-google-fonts/raleway not rendering
#15 opened by PoLePanda