- 5
- 0
Update the var keyword in README to const
#993 opened by dushmanta05 - 4
- 0
Feature Request - Optional flag to skip automatic session save at the end of HTTP response
#992 opened by kamalyusuf - 1
express-session vulnerability since it is still using a very old cookie-signature version
#989 opened by andiclone - 0
Feature request: Allow Cookie options (at least domain) based on incoming requests
#988 opened by robaca - 1
Impossible to catch the cookie client side with vercel when passport redirect
#985 opened by cSarcasme - 13
cookie options won't get set
#958 opened by m-a-h1 - 13
Express session not storing cookies on ios browser, but works fine on andriod except safari
#914 opened by Tosinkoa - 1
Type 'RequestHandler<ParamsDictionary, any, any, ParsedQs, Record<string, any>>' is not assignable to type 'Type<any> | DynamicModule | Promise<DynamicModule> | ForwardReference<any>'.
#981 opened by Abdulberk - 2
- 3
- 6
- 2
- 3
'sha1' hash algorithm used at index.js is unsafe
#974 opened by dcamacho10 - 4
- 1
#971 opened by aragonfernando - 16
- 4
- 1
Allow for sessions to be shared between subdomains.
#940 opened by Kugyan - 3
- 3
【Feature】I wish I could define the name by req
#920 opened by code-farmer-i - 2
Don't `Set-Cookie` for static/public files?
#964 opened by Download - 7
req.sessionStore.all with typescript bug?
#962 opened by pablojsx - 1
A `destroy`ed session is still `touch`ed
#957 opened by luxaritas - 7
#954 opened by shrihari-prakash - 0
[FEATURE REQUEST] Session Async Methods
#952 opened by angelhdzdev - 1
- 1
- 6
- 2
secure=true cookies don't work for localhost
#909 opened by DumplingLife - 1
- 1
- 1
Session always response the last login session when enable rolling with iisnode proxy
#931 opened by dinhitcom - 5
[QUESTION] req.session.user undefined
#929 opened by angelhdzdev - 2
- 0
Feature request - handle regenerate race condition
#923 opened by htadeusiak - 1
Can't find stored session after refresh
#921 opened by gimtwi - 1
How do I invoke methods of the store ?
#915 opened by phquang98 - 1
Set Cookie Cross Site
#913 opened by fiwz - 9
Tests fail - dummy SSL key too small
#905 opened by sgpinkus - 4
Probably, an error with "rolling".
#902 opened by Alex0881 - 2
Session Not Storing
#901 opened by omerfdmrl - 14
- 0
Session Store Implementation doesn't mention that at times `callback` parameter won't be defined
#898 opened by TimDaub - 3
- 1
Provide docs for creating express-session store
#896 opened by r-rajaneesh - 2
Unexpected end of JSON input
#893 opened by enzotorrs - 1
- 5
Can session be tampered by the client?
#889 opened by Moebits