
An example Node.js setup for running parallel Selenium end to end tests against a local server via SauceLabs, BrowserStack, or TestingBot.

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Parallel End to End Testing With Selenium Services

This package provides an example Node.js setup for running parallel end to end Selenium tests using one of these cloud services:

These services each provide an SSH tunnel application that allows cloud Selenium servers to run tests against your local web server, or against a web server in your internal network. By launching the tunnel you connect an endpoint on your local machine to the remote Selenium service, allowing it to access the servers that you can see.

Parallel testing can be highly efficient. Since most of the time taken by a test thread is spent waiting on responses from the remote server, it is perfectly feasible to run dozens or even hundreds of parallel end to end test suites through a single SSH tunnel on a single developer machine.

Given that the Selenium tests for a major project usually require hours to run serially, the ability to easily run in parallel is very helpful. It can crush down the time taken to a much more reasonable span.


Install the example package via NPM:

npm install selenium-service-example


Obtain an Account

You will need to obtain a free account with one of the services noted above. This won't take long - it is a painless signup. Once registered you can find the necessary account name, API secret and/or key in your account settings.

Add your newly obtained credentials to the relevant section of config/index.js and set the service property in that file to either browserlab, saucelabs, or testingbot, depending on which service you are using.

A free account grants you access to very little in the way of resources, but it will be sufficient to try out this example of how to set up parallel end to end tests.

Update the Executable

You will also probably need to update the tunnel x86_64 executable to the latest version. That can be downloaded from the service website, and the path to the executable updated in config/index.js.

Running the Example Tests

Fire up the Vagrant Ubuntu 14.04 VM; it will provision itself with the latest stable Node.js version:

vagrant up
vagrant ssh

Once logged in to the Vagrant VM:

cd /vagrant
node runTests

This will:

  • Launch a simple Express server.
  • Launch the SSH tunnel for the configured Selenium service.
  • Launch parallel test processes, each running its own set of end to end tests.
  • Shut down the SSH tunnel.
  • Shut down the Express server.
  • Display the results.

Note that the SSH tunnel for any of these services will sometimes fail to initialize, or will time out waiting on the remote connection. Cloud services are only as reliable as the ability to launch and maintain servers, which at this point is still not all that reliable. Redundancy helps, but not when you are waiting on one specific connection to one specific server.

Errors of this nature will shut down the process, and will be displayed in the output. You can also look into the log directory to see log files containing the output from each test runner process, and from the tunnel process itself.

Specifying the Configuration File

You can specify alternative configuration files when running tests, which should help with experimentation. Paths must be relative to the project directory. e.g.:

node runTests config/my-configuration-file.js

Potential Improvements

This is a very simple, crude setup. It makes no attempt to be smart about monitoring the tunnel stdout and stderr pipes for known issues that may cause the tunnel process to hang rather than end, for example.

Similarly, there are better ways to channel and present the output from test processes than to just dump them to logs.

Other Notes

The native binary SSH tunnels for SauceLabs and BrowserStack are not capable of handling a large number of test threads.

In BrowserStack's case, you should not try to run more than about 8-10 parallel test threads through the same tunnel instance as it will definitely run into issues. If your test loads many files or otherwise stresses the network capacity then the tunnel will support even less concurrency.

If you want more tests running at once then run several tunnel instances in parallel and split your threads between them. You will have to impose a delay of 10-20 seconds between the launch of each tunnel instance, otherwise BrowserStack's server infrastructure becomes confused and may reject WebDriver initialization attempts. Running multiple tunnels concurrently on the same machine has also been shown to run into some of the same network capacity issues if any of the tests make a large number of requests.