DGI Islandora Solr Views Field Filter


Too many fields being made available to Solr Views causes memory issues, so we allow the fields to be filtered out.


This module requires the following modules/libraries:


For base, install as usual, see this for further information.


This can be installed two ways:

  1. We include a composer.json file, which can get picked up by something like Composer Manager, to install the dependency automatically.
  2. If the class is not already available, and if the libraries module is available, we will use it to look up jsonstreamingparser, from which we will attempt to load the handful of files we require. As such, cloning the repository to sites/all/libraries such that sites/all/libraries/jsonstreamingparser/src/Parser.php exists should suffice.


Some configuration is available at admin/islandora/tools/dgi_solr_views_field_filter. Here, we allow the configuration of:

  1. The regex to use to filter out fields. The only filters out the compound sequencing relationships.
  2. A time limit to (attempt) to set, to allow additional time for parsing.


Having problems or solved a problem? Contact discoverygarden.


Current maintainers:


If you would like to contribute to this module, please check out our helpful Documentation for Developers info, Developers section on Islandora.ca and contact discoverygarden.
