
Add galleries to EXT:news

Primary LanguagePHPOtherNOASSERTION

News gallery: Extend news with file collections


This extension provides an easy way to file collections to a news record. There are various types of file collections like:

  • Static selection of files
  • Folder from storage
  • Select by category


  • TYPO3 8.7 - 9.5
  • Extension "news" 6.0.0-7.9.99


Screenshot of the backend

How to use

Using this extension is simple! Follow this steps:

Creating the records

  1. Install the extension. You can get it either from the TER or from Github
  2. Create a new record "File collection" and define some images.
  3. Create a news record or open an existing one, switch to the tab "Relations" and add the previously created record in the new relation.

Adopt the template

To be able to show the images you need to alter the templates.

1st of all add the namespace declaration at the top of the template:

{namespace ngallery=GeorgRinger\NewsGallery\ViewHelpers}

This is just an example snippet which outputs all images of the file collection in a basic list:

<ngallery:render collections="{newsItem.txGalleryCollections}" storage="{newsItem.txGalleryStorage}" folder="{newsItem.txGalleryFolder}"  as="gallery">


You can use the gallery in any action of the news extension. No matter if List.html, Detail.html or anything else.