
OpenCV 4 Extempore

Primary LanguageC++


A small C wrapper for OpenCV 4 designed primarily for binding to Extempore.


You will need to build (statically) opencv 4. Make sure you also do the install step You should end up with a directory with libs and include.

At the time of writing this readme this was expected to look something like:

On Windows

install/include/opencv2 install/x64/vc15/staticlib

On OSX ??


You need to provide the path (CV4_DIR) to the opencv build install directory.

Windows example

cmake -A x64 -D CV4_DIR:PATH="D:/Downloads/opencv-4.0.1/build/install" ../ cmake --build . --config Release


This project was bootstrapped by pilfering parts of the GoCV project. https://github.com/hybridgroup/gocv/blob/master/README.md


Licensed under the Apache 2.0 license.