
GitHub Actions by Extenda Retail

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Quality Gate Status GitHub tag (latest SemVer) GitHub


This is a monorepo containing GitHub Actions by Extenda Retail. These actions provide reusable logic for the fundamental parts of our CI/CD pipelines.

The following actions are available

🚀 Workflow Examples

The following workflows demonstrates the high-level usage of many of our actions.


This workflow demonstrates how a Maven project can be built using two jobs.

  • Every commit triggers the test job
    • Run unit tests
    • Scan with Sonar
  • Every successful commit on master triggers the release job
    • Bump the version and create a release
    • Deploy to Nexus without running tests
name: Commit
on: push

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v3
          fetch-depth: 0

      - uses: actions/setup-java@v3
          distribution: temurin
          java-version: 17
          cache: maven

      - name: Run tests
        uses: extenda/actions/maven@v0
          service-account-key: ${{ secrets.SECRET_AUTH }}
          args: verify

      - name: Scan with SonarCloud
        uses: extenda/actions/sonar-scanner@v0
          sonar-host: https://sonarcloud.io
          service-account-key: ${{ secrets.SECRET_AUTH }}

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    needs: test
    if: github.ref == 'refs/heads/master'
      - uses: actions/checkout@v3
          fetch-depth: 0

      - name: Create release
        uses: extenda/actions/conventional-release@v0
        id: release
          GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}

      - uses: actions/setup-java@v3
          distribution: temurin
          java-version: 17
          cache: maven

      - name: Build release
        uses: extenda/actions/maven@v0
          args: deploy -DskipTests
          service-account-key: ${{ secrets.SECRET_AUTH }}
          version: ${{ steps.release.outputs.version }}


This workflow demonstrates how a .NET Core project can be built using two jobs.

  • Every commit triggers the test job
    • Build the project
    • Run unit tests
    • Scan with Sonar
  • Every successful commit on master triggers the release job
    • Bump the version and create a release
    • Deploy the NuGet package to Nexus
    • Build a Docker image and push it to Amazon ECR
name: Commit
on: push

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v3
          fetch-depth: 0

      - uses: extenda/actions/gcp-secret-manager@v0
          service-account-key: ${{ secrets.SECRET_AUTH }}
          secrets: |
            NEXUS_PASSWORD: nexus-password
            NEXUS_USERNAME: nexus-username
            NUGET_API_KEY: nuget-api-key

      - uses: extenda/actions/conventional-version@v0
        id: semver
          version-suffix: -${{ github.sha }}

      - name: Setup .NET Core 2.1
        uses: actions/setup-dotnet@v1
          dotnet-version: 2.1.607

      - name: Setup NuGet
        uses: NuGet/setup-nuget@v1.0.2
          nuget-version: latest

      - name: Setup NuGet sources
        uses: extenda/actions/setup-nuget-sources@v0
          config-file: NuGet.Config
          sources: |
                "name": "nuget.org",
                "source": "https://api.nuget.org/v3/index.json"
                "name": "Extenda",
                "source": "https://repo.extendaretail.com/repository/nuget-group/",
                "username": "${{ env.NEXUS_USERNAME }}",
                "password": "${{ env.NEXUS_PASSWORD }}",
                "apikey": "${{ env.NUGET_API_KEY }}"

      - name: Begin Sonar Scanner
        uses: extenda/actions/sonar-scanner@v0
          sonar-host: https://sonar.extenda.io
          sonar-scanner: dotnet
          main-branch: develop
          service-account-key: ${{ secrets.SECRET_AUTH }}

      - name: Build
        run: |
          dotnet build --configuration Release \
            /p:Version=${{ steps.semver.outputs.version }}

      - name: Run tests
        run: |
          dotnet test --results-directory "./testresults" -l trx -c Release \
            /p:CollectCoverage=true \
            /p:CoverletOutputFormat=opencover \
            --verbosity minimal

      - name: Analyze with Sonar
        uses: extenda/actions/sonar-scanner@v0
          sonar-host: https://sonar.extenda.io
          sonar-scanner: dotnet
          main-branch: develop
          service-account-key: ${{ secrets.SECRET_AUTH }}

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    needs: test
    if: github.ref == 'refs/heads/master'
      - uses: actions/checkout@v3
          fetch-depth: 0

      - uses: extenda/actions/gcp-secret-manager@v0
          service-account-key: ${{ secrets.SECRET_AUTH }}
          secrets: |
            NEXUS_PASSWORD: nexus-password
            NEXUS_USERNAME: nexus-username
            NUGET_API_KEY: nuget-api-key
            AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: aws-access-key-id
            AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: aws-secret-access-key

      - uses: extenda/actions/conventional-version@v0
        id: semver
          version-suffix: -${{ github.sha }}

      - name: Create a release
        uses: extenda/actions/conventional-release@v0
        id: release
          GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}

      - name: Setup .NET Core 2.1
        uses: actions/setup-dotnet@v1
          dotnet-version: 2.1.607

      - name: Setup NuGet
        uses: NuGet/setup-nuget@v1.0.2
          nuget-version: latest

      - name: Setup NuGet sources
        uses: extenda/actions/setup-nuget-sources@v0
          config-file: NuGet.Config
          sources: |
                "name": "nuget.org",
                "source": "https://api.nuget.org/v3/index.json"
                "name": "Extenda",
                "source": "https://repo.extendaretail.com/repository/nuget-group/",
                "username": "${{ env.NEXUS_USERNAME }}",
                "password": "${{ env.NEXUS_PASSWORD }}",
                "apikey": "${{ env.NUGET_API_KEY }}"

      - name: Build
        run: dotnet build --configuration Release /p:Version=${{ steps.release.outputs.version }}

      - name: Publish
        run: |
          dotnet publish MyExample.csproj \
            --configuration Release \
            /p:Version=${{ steps.semver.outputs.version }}

      - name: Docker build and push
        uses: extenda/actions/docker@v0
          image: extenda/my-example
          tag: latest,${{ steps.release.outputs.version }}


This workflow demonstrates how a Node project can be built using two jobs.

  • Every commit triggers the test job
    • Run eslint
    • Run unit tests
    • Build the project
    • Scan with Sonar
  • Every successful commit on master triggers the release job
    • Bump the version and create a release
    • Build the released version
    • Build a Docker image and push it to GCR
name: Commit
on: push

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v3
          fetch-depth: 0

      - name: NPM install
        run: npm ci

      - name: Lint javascript
        run: |
          npm run lint:js -- \
            --format junit \
            --output-file test-results/eslint/TEST-eslint.xml

      - name: Unit tests
        run: npm test -- --ci --coverage

      - name: Build
        run: npm run build

      - name: SonarCloud Scan
        uses: extenda/actions/sonar-scanner@v0
          sonar-host: https://sonarcloud.io
          service-account-key: ${{ secrets.SECRET_AUTH }}

    if: github.ref == 'refs/heads/master'
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    needs: test
      - uses: actions/checkout@v3
          fetch-depth: 0

      - name: Create release
        uses: extenda/actions/conventional-release@v0
        id: release
          GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}

      - name: NPM install
        run: npm ci

      - name: Build
        run: |
          npm version ${{ steps.release.outputs.version }} --no-git-tag-version
          npm run build

      - uses: extenda/actions/setup-gcloud@v0
        id: gcloud
          service-account-key: ${{ secrets.GCLOUD_AUTH }}

      - name: Publish Docker image
        run: |
          gcloud auth configure-docker
          IMAGE=gcr.io/${{ steps.gcloud.outputs.project-id }}/my-example:v${{ steps.release.outputs.version }}
          docker build -t $IMAGE .
          docker push $IMAGE

🚧 Development

The repository is a monorepo consisting of multiple packages. There are some dependencies between packages. Primarily

  • All actions depend on common functions from utils
  • Cross-cutting actions like sonar-scanner depends on other actions

Javascript actions are compiled into a single javascript files using @zeit/ncc to avoid committing node_modules into source control. This is required because GitHub Actions does not run npm install before running actions.

Development Environment

Development tools needed are:

  • Latest Node 20 LTS release
  • Docker
  • Pre-commit

Pre-commit hooks

Developers should use pre-commit on this repository to validate file formatting and commit messages on every commit. After pre-commit has been installed on your system, activate on the repository.

$ pre-commit install -t pre-commit -t commit-msg

How to Build

Use the NPM scripts in the root package.json to install and build the complete project.

$ npm install --no-bin-links

Runs npm install on all Javascript packages. Prefer npm ci on first install or to reinstall local dependencies.

$ npm run lint:js

Runs eslint on all Javascript files everywhere.

$ npm test

Runs Jest everywhere.

$ npm run build:docker

Runs npm run build on all modules. This recompiles the package into its dist directory. The project builds in a Docker container to ensure strictly identical output across platforms.


  • Remember to always run npm run build before committing changes to packages. Failing to do so will not pass CI/CD checks
  • If you've run npm run build and your build still fails, try npm ci && npm run build
  • While developing, run npm test -- -o to only run tests on changed files
  • Do not add dependencies to the root package unless you are making global changes, for example to the build process

CI/CD Pipeline

A GitHub Actions pipeline will run tests on every commit. Every successful commit to master will automatically:

  • Be tagged to a semantic release version
  • Update the v{MAJOR} branch to point to the new release


The repository is versioned using a single semantic version. This means that all packages are always released and map to the same version.

To follow GitHub Actions version conventions actions will always be accessible from a v{MAJOR} branch that points to the last release for that major version. For example v1 will point to v1.1.2 after it has been released.

Conventional Commits

g The project is versioned with Conventional Commits conventions.

  • Make sure your commits to master always follow conventional commits
  • Always use squash and merge when merging to master


This repository is released under the MIT license.