- 3
parserOption to keep HTML Entities
#140 opened by JpEncausse - 2
Can't extract summary with nested div
#141 opened by swiftcoder - 5
Commit causing Buffer error when executing in browser, not Node environment
#133 opened by willjstevens - 1
Add support for normalized entry "full text content" ?
#134 opened by isunjn - 0
Hfeed support
#139 opened by ndaidong - 1
Add support for OPML feeds
#138 opened by theycallhermax - 3
- 4
Query and local targets of links missing
#136 opened by WetHat - 1
- 2
not working but the sample site is
#132 opened by angelxmoreno - 5
add support windows-1251 encoding
#123 opened by crisukbot - 1
Support Get favicon
#125 opened by jc955 - 4
feed.xml link field parsing error
#111 opened by jc955 - 2
Cannot define extra entry fields to fetch
#127 opened by ryan-hmd - 0
`published` typed incorrectly
#124 opened by ycrack - 1
Wrong TS type without normalization.
#115 opened by sharifzadesina - 1
fetch error: cert invalid
#121 opened by avelino - 3
Now available as a Github Action
#114 opened by chriscarrollsmith - 4
Would you accept a PR supporting CJS compatibility ?
#118 opened by olsonpm - 1
Bug on
#116 opened by HubertHuckevoll - 8
How to debug feeds that throw an error?
#80 opened by kylealwyn - 3
- 2
Minor regression in v7.0.3
#108 opened by lwojcik - 3
- 3
Empty description when content is wrapped in CDATA
#103 opened by lwojcik - 1
fast-xml-parser regex vulnerability patch could be improved from a safety perspective
#92 opened by avelino - 1
Add content:encoded to FeedEntry
#93 opened by james-global-liquidity - 1
Disable item description trimming?
#101 opened by lwojcik - 1
`fetchOptions` was not passed to fetch
#97 opened by kahosan - 0
- 0
Support other date format in published
#88 opened by Darmau - 1
- 3
Issue with package types
#85 opened by M4RC3L05 - 3
Content type octet-stream support
#72 opened by avelino - 5
- 2
Add `id` property to entries
#73 opened by evert - 4
- 5
CDATA in description not parsed as desired
#66 opened by CoryKniefel - 1
Update relevant links/docs for feed-extractor
#61 opened by ndaidong - 2
CI test does not pass Node 19
#63 opened by ndaidong - 4
[Feature Request] need more fields, want the result can be customized via options
#56 opened by sarike - 2
- 1
better axios error handler
#38 opened by eviltik - 6
remove xml response content-type check ?
#39 opened by eviltik - 0
trim() axios response body
#41 opened by eviltik - 2
missing optionals entry fields ?
#42 opened by eviltik - 1
Entry author
#36 opened by ddugovic - 1
- 0
#17 opened by dev-intellisoft - 1
Add options to get specifics fields
#13 opened by throrin19