
.NET Microservices Boilerplate built with Dapr and other cool stuff.

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

.NET Microservices Boilerplate

ci-cd pipeline


Currently maintaining on Trello, might move to Github later on.

View Trello Board

What's done till now?

  • Added Building Blocks for Services - Serilog, Swagger, Fluent Validation, MediatR, AutoMapper, and more.
  • ThunderClient Support for API Testing - Love this! 🚀 🚀
  • YARP API Gateway - Reverse Proxy
  • Identity Server 6 - Separate Microservice for serving and validating JWTs based on API Scope and GrantType as Password.
  • DapR Integration - Currently using only the state-store component of Dapr for Caching purposes. Should research more on this. 🚀 🚀
  • EFCore with PostgreSQL Integration for Identity Server.
  • MongoDB Integration for Catalog API Service.
  • GitHub Workflow for Building the Projects in Pipeline.
  • Exception Handling Middleware
  • Semantic Release - Love this! With this, it's easy now to auto-version your applications based on your commits in a semantic way. It even creates GitHub releases for you! 🚀 🚀
  • Tye support for running multiple microservices (and Dapr Side-cars) and managing logs.

How to Run

Generate Development certificate by running the following:

dotnet dev-certs https --trust
dotnet dev-certs https -ep $env:USERPROFILE\.aspnet\https\dev_cert.pfx -p password!
dotnet dev-certs https --trust


Once the certificates are installed, you will have to build and push the required docker images to your local instance of docker, and run docker-compose up.

Note that, the docker-compose, tye and any deployment related file would live within the ./deployments folder.

But first, let's build the docker images. There are 2 ways for this:

  • Navigate to each of the service, api-gateway & identity server and run the following command to build and push the docker image to your local docker-desktop setup.
dotnet publish --os linux --arch x64 -c Release -p:PublishProfile=DefaultContainer -p:ContainerImageTags=latest --self-contained
  • Else, to make your lives simpler, I have also included the commands in the Visual Code Tasks. Simply hit CTRL+SHIFT+P and type in Tasks. Here select the required publish:xxxxxx task. This would also push the docker image.

Once all the images are built and pushed, you can run the following commands from the root of the solution.

  • If you want to bring up only the infrastructure, run this command docker compose -f "./deployments/docker-compose/infrastructure.yml" up
  • To bring up both the services + infrastructure, docker compose -f "./deployments/docker-compose/infrastructure.yml" -f "./deployments/docker-compose/docker-compose.yml" up

If everything goes well, all the required containers would spin up and you will have access to https://localhost:5100 AKA, the API Gateway. You can use the Thunder-Tests in Visual Code to test the gateway!

P.S, you find the API Tests at ./thunder-tests folder. Ensure that you are using Visual Code with the ThunderClient extension installed.


To run locally, you can also use the tye tool. I use this for rapid development. Simply run the tye run command at the ./deployments/tye/ directory. You can view all the application logs at the tye dashboard which is available at


PS, Currently not accepting any contributions. Once the project is stable, will start accepting PRs.

  1. Fork it!
  2. Create your feature branch: git checkout -b my-new-feature
  3. Commit your changes: git commit -am 'Add some feature'
  4. Push to the branch: git push origin my-new-feature
  5. Submit a pull request.



Code released under the MIT license.

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  • Leave a star! ⭐
  • Recommend this awesome project to your colleagues. 🥇
  • Do consider endorsing me on LinkedIn for ASP.NET Core - Connect via LinkedIn 🦸
  • Or, If you want to support this project in the long run, consider buying me a coffee! ☕
