Meta Image Edit

WP plugin. Gutrenberg image block with media origin info.


This plugin extends the functionality of the media edit screen by adding custom fields and options for managing metadata associated with images. It also includes a custom Gutenberg block for displaying image metadata.


  • Adds custom fields for managing metadata
  • Provides options for saving and updating metadata
  • Integrates with the media edit screen in WordPress
  • Includes a custom Gutenberg block for displaying image metadata


  1. Download the plugin ZIP file.
  2. Upload and activate the plugin through the WordPress plugins dashboard.


  1. Navigate to the media library in your WordPress admin.
  2. Select an image to edit.
  3. Locate the custom fields added by this plugin to manage metadata.
  4. Update the metadata as needed and save your changes.
  5. To use the custom Gutenberg block, add a new block in the Gutenberg editor and search for "Meta Image Block" to display image metadata.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I add metadata to my images?

Once the plugin is activated, you can edit any image in your media library and find the custom fields added by this plugin to manage metadata.

Can I use this plugin with Gutenberg?

Yes, this plugin integrates with Gutenberg by adding a custom block that can display image metadata.


For support, please submit an issue on GitHub.


Contributions are welcome! Feel free to fork the repository and submit a pull request.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE for details.


  • Built: Mast_G
  • Powered: WordPress