testing if file is readable with -r fails
eilandert opened this issue · 5 comments
I found something strange.
You are testing if a configfile is readable
if [ -r "${config_dir}/master.conf" ] ; then
config_files+=( "${config_dir}/master.conf" )
xshok_pretty_echo_and_log "ERROR: ${config_dir}/master.conf is not readable"
exit 1
but for some reason that doesn't work in alpine linux
bash-5.1# touch bla
bash-5.1# chmod 777 bla
bash-5.1# if [ -r "bla" ] ; then echo "ok"; else echo "not ok"; fi
not ok
Any idea what's going on?
same for -w
bash-5.1# if [ -w "bla" ] ; then echo "ok"; else echo "not ok"; fi
not ok
Does alpine linux have /usr/bin/[
Can you run just [ -r "bla" ] && echo "OK"
Does alpine linux have
Can you run just[ -r "bla" ] && echo "OK"
Seems to be busybox
/usr/bin/[ -> /bin/busybox
bash-5.1# touch bla
bash-5.1# [ -r "bla" ] && echo "OK"
bash-5.1# [ -f "bla" ] && echo "OK"
Other flags seem to work, except -w and -r
If I do this, and render the -w and -r checks invalid, the script works as intended
sed -i s/"if [ -r "/"if [ -f "/g /usr/local/sbin/clamav-unofficial-sigs.sh
sed -i s/"if [ ! -w "/"if [ -z "/g /usr/local/sbin/clamav-unofficial-sigs.sh
I am guessing /usr/bin/test
is a link to busybox too?
Perhaps -r
is just no t compiled into the test commands? On first glance they should though. Perhaps you can install a "proper" test
I have no idea how to install a proper test program with Alpine. I choose it because of its low footprint for my docker.
For now I'll go with the sed-solution, might convert the whole docker with ubuntu or debian-slim where I am sure things will work ;-)
It seems it's not an issue with clamav-unofficial-sigs, so it's probably better to close this issue.
Thanks for your time