ClamAV Unofficial Signatures Updater maintained by eXtremeSHOK.com
- 2
SecuriteInfo missing databases
#416 opened by reinks2112 - 10
Failed to restart clamav-daemon.service: Interactive authentication required.
#359 opened by MrX123123 - 4
This project is abandoned, right?
#425 opened by q2dg - 11
extreemshok.com site broken TLS / abandoned
#419 opened by sammcj - 2
WARNING: Failed connection to https://urlhaus.abuse.ch/downloads - SKIPPED urlhaus urlhaus.ndb update
#426 opened by randolf - 0
Default clamd_reload_opt Always Returns Error
#424 opened by LarryStarr01 - 0
- 1
Void Linux
#421 opened by tuxslack - 0
Missing check for config_dir on arm Macs
#417 opened by tiiiecherle - 1
Mail contains virus ? MBL_162040584.UNOFFICIAL
#413 opened by Th-Barth - 6
urlhaus updates fail on new Ubuntu install
#385 opened by CacheMinimal - 4
Securite info not downloading all databases
#407 opened by kprkpr - 0
Whitelist error
#411 opened by falon - 1
dbs-uh: No such file or directory
#410 opened by cacheguard - 1
Ignore yara rules
#409 opened by deeztek - 1
- 7
sanesecurity: no mirrors found, using rsync?
#401 opened by otheus - 7
- 0
Error on XStreamOS/illumos (SunOS 5.11)
#403 opened by gbulfon - 1
YARA rule davivienda can be problematic
#399 opened by kprkpr - 0
- 0
Suggestion to include ditekshen/detection
#396 opened by perplexityjeff - 6
Problem with a rfxn.yara rule, and mismatch with downloaded rfxn.yara vs upstream version
#380 opened by taggart - 2
multiple command line options ignored
#388 opened by MASHtm - 0
(OpenBSD) stat: unknown option -- c
#383 opened by dspruell - 4
Malware Patrol problems
#381 opened by justcsdr - 1
- 5
testing if file is readable with -r fails
#391 opened by eilandert - 6
yararules problem loading
#384 opened by MandiYang - 5
Some issues with tar
#378 opened by gimmeBeer - 5
- 8
clamav-unofficial-sigs.pid: Permission denied; Removing unused file: /var/lib/clamav/spam_marketing.ndb
#342 opened by SomePersonSomeWhereInTheWorld - 4
issue whitelist
#360 opened by killmasta93 - 2
pfSense 2.5 has no more gsed
#370 opened by FlorianHeigl - 3
JJencode.yar consume CPU doing nothing
#362 opened by nicolapiazzi - 1
ScamNailer needs to be removed
#365 opened by randyleiker - 1
Correct the urlhaus db dir
#363 opened by willdoicu - 2
Question: Is rsync really mandatory?
#366 opened by sbcgm - 3
ClamAV crashed afer update to v7.2.2 (2020-12-20)
#361 opened by KumoCosmo - 3
Yara Rules SKIPPED 7.2.2
#364 opened by ccelis5215 - 4
- 4
Removing unused file: dbs-lmd/rfxn.yara
#355 opened by ondrejj - 1
sponsors link error
#343 opened by msimerson - 0
- 5
- 2
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
function xshok_remove_database() is incomplete.
#336 opened by msapiro