
Various tools implemented in Python

Primary LanguagePython


A collection of independent tools for various purposes.



  • config.env: Copy example_config.env and fill in the values.
  • requirements.txt: Install the required packages with pip install -r requirements.txt.

Money Lost

A tool to calculate how much money you lost in the exchange rate when you bought something in a foreign currency.

Requires Open Exchange Rates API key. You can get one for free here.


You can use the tool by running the main.py file with the money_lost command. It will print the help message if you don't provide any arguments.

> py .\main.py money_lost -f RON -t EUR -s 4200 -b 845.05
Success: Environment variables loaded successfully.
 Your rate:      4.970 RON / per EUR
 Real rate:      4.939 RON / per EUR

Your value:    845.050 EUR
Real value:    850.460 EUR
Difference:      5.410 EUR

League of Legends Matches

A tool to get the matches of a League of Legends player. You can export the data to csv or excel. You will need:

  • Summoner name
  • Region
  • Start date (optional - defaults to today)
  • End date (optional - defaults to today)
  • Output file (optional - defaults to output.csv)
  • Google sheets id (optional, preferably a new spreadsheet)
  • Google sheets credentials file (optional)

You can export your data to a Google spreadsheet by providing the google sheets id and credentials.

Also, the Riot API limits the number of matches you can get to 100. For this reason, the tool will wait for the rate limit to reset and then get the next 100 matches.

Requires Riot Games API key. You can get one here.


You can use the tool by running the main.py file with the lol command. It will print the help message if you don't provide any arguments.

> py .\main.py lol -n extremq -r EUN1 -s 2023-08-19 -o output.csv
Success: Environment variables loaded successfully.
Info: Found summoner 'extremq' with puuid 'lcnPkpKslAEs9y1DnocGbNmu6zeCt_vrrDLOgr5jhBRny_UA_bkBgcbHxlvHTfiKbonKgAdsMaUpiA'.
Info: Got 9 more matches.
Info: Got 0 more matches.
Info: Finished getting 9 matches.
Info: Got match data for EUN1_3437910600
Info: Got match data for EUN1_3437873539
Info: Got match data for EUN1_3437868277
Info: Got match data for EUN1_3437858543
Info: Got match data for EUN1_3437847970
Info: Got match data for EUN1_3437841882
Info: Got match data for EUN1_3437843644
Info: Got match data for EUN1_3437837683
Info: Got match data for EUN1_3437840463
Info: Turned data into dataframe.
Info: First 5 rows of dataframe:
   allInPings  assistMePings  assists  baitPings  baronKills  basicPings  bountyLevel  champExperience  ...                      gameName  gameStartTimestamp      gameType     gameVersion  mapId  platformId  queueId  tournamentCode
0           0              0       31          0           0           0            0            16856  ...  teambuilder-match-3437910600       1692439821909  MATCHED_GAME  13.16.525.6443     12        EUN1      450               
1           0              0       28          0           0           0            0            20106  ...  teambuilder-match-3437873539       1692433683289  MATCHED_GAME  13.16.525.6443     12        EUN1      450               
2           0              0       32          0           0           0            1            20396  ...  teambuilder-match-3437868277       1692432283412  MATCHED_GAME  13.16.525.6443     12        EUN1      450               
3           0              0        4          0           0           0            7            13383  ...  teambuilder-match-3437858543       1692430294637  MATCHED_GAME  13.16.525.6443     11        EUN1      400               
4           1              2       14          0           0           0            0            14320  ...  teambuilder-match-3437847970       1692427895863  MATCHED_GAME  13.16.525.6443     11        EUN1      400               

[5 rows x 141 columns]
Success: Successfully saved 9 matches to 'output.csv'.

Sheets and Pandas

A tool to get or set data from a Google spreadsheet. It will only insert unique rows.

You will need a Google sheets id and credentials file that you can get following this tutorial.


You can use the tool by running the main.py file with the sheets command. It will print the help message if you don't provide any arguments.

> py .\main.py sheets -d output.csv -s 1Y2su-qsJoYrkLbwP7sdKPnHOPn_VcDs82uNoV -u id
Success: Environment variables loaded successfully.
Info: Successfully converted 'output.csv' to a dataframe
Info: No new matches to append.
Success: Successfully appended the data to the spreadsheet '1Y2su-qsJoYrkLbwP7sdKPnHOPn_VcDs82uNoV'