
Artifact Card Game Deck Code based on the original api code written in PHP.

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Artifact Card Game Deck Code Encoder & Decoder based on the original api code written in PHP.


go get github.com/exts/ArtifactDeckCodeGo

Example Decode Usage

// cardDeck returns a CardDeck struct reference
cardDeck, err := ArtifactDeckCodeGo.ParseDeck("ADCJQEAZX0ivAGABwA4XSXdAUEGQgEFAmIBRF0BDAkYAQUHAwEIBSQBMQFwASgBTw__")
if err != nil {
	// handle error

// cardDeck.name => string
// cardDeck.heroes => []Card
// cardDeck.cards => []Card

Example Encode Usage

Encoding takes a CardDeck struct reference and spits out a deck code string. So provide the CardDeck struct with a full 40 card deck + 9 items and then 5 heroes and excluding signature cards (hero cards) to get a proper deck code back.

// starter deck
cardDeck, err := ArtifactDeckCodeGo.ParseDeck(codeStr)
if err != nil {
	// handle error

deckCode, err := ArtifactDeckCodeGo.EncodeDeck(cardDeck)
if err != nil {
	// handle error

println(codeStr == deckCode) // true


  • Use card database to cross reference hero card id's to get the missing hero signature cards (each hero has a certain number of additional cards paired with them)