
Twitch clip software w/ hotkey functionality

RedpanSoftware.com's - Red Snap! Twitch Clip Command Software


If you've always wanted a clip command that allows you to use hotkeys regardless of what window is open, then this is the software for you!


  • !clip - editble chat command
  • lctrl+c default hotkey for making clips (there's a sound that plays when you are connected to the api successfully - does not play for chat command)


  1. Go to https://dev.twitch.tv and authenticate with the account you stream with
  2. Click on Applications
  3. Click Register Your Application
  4. In the Name field, name it w/e you want, RedSnap - Username works
  5. OAuth needs to be http://localhost:PORT (ex.: http://localhost:4040) from the config.yml file, default is 4040
  6. Hit Add
  7. Under Category select Chatbot
  8. You aren't a robot lol..
  9. Hit Create
  10. Go to the manage mage for your application once you're there and hit "New Secret" copy your Client Secret and your *Client ID then insert them in their respective place inside the config
  11. Inside the config.yml change the channel and the username field to lowercase version of your channel.
  12. Set post to chat to true or false if you want it to post anything to chat. Recommended to keep this on.
  13. chatCommand can be changed to something else if you want.


  1. Once the config is setup w/ the correct port, client id, client secret and channel/username information you can start the application.

  2. Hit the Authenticate button once the app first starts up

  3. It'll open a browser tab asking you to authorize the application. After you do this wait a bit after you go through twitch's OAuth prompts. Then the tab should close and the application should update to a greyed out authentication button. Which means you logged in successfuly!

  4. You can logout and reauthenticate if something's weird on the 2nd page.

Setting hotkey

  1. Ghetto, but go to the hotkey tab and press up to 4 unique keyboard buttons. (mouse buttons not supported yet, working on something - need testers to get information on how mice work lol)

  2. Once you've found the hotkeys you want hit save and you're done.

  3. Note: clips won't happen if you're still setting your hotkey, switch back to the authenticaiton tab for the applicaiton to work.

  4. Lastly you can minimize the app to your system tray and call it a day. :)

Enjoy ! Report bugs by creating a new issue in the issue tracker and I'll figure out how to handle that.

Ways to support

  • Tell people to test it, find bugs and report them
  • Follow me on socials, I'll edit the readme with my link later
  • If you feel strongly buy me coffee, I love starbucks white chocolate fraps :p https://ko-fi.com/justlamonte