
Primary LanguageJavaScript


This is a javascript library which allows the creation of dynamic and responsive surveys for single-page WebApps

Here are the basic features in GIF form

7 input types, with optionally set default values

solarized vim

View the survey results in JSON format

solarized vim

Custom and default input validation

solarized vim

Toggling disabled questions and visible questions based on the results of other questions

solarized vim

Survey datastructure

The entire survey workflow is captured in the Survey object. Here is the Javascript code for the validation example from above

In the following section:

  • any elements followed by a ? are optional arguments
  • elements followed by [...] will take the contents of those brackets as a default parameter
  • consequently, any element that is followed by [...] is also implicitly followed by ?, but for the sake of readibility the ? will not be omitted


Must contain a pages array which can contain:

  • page -- an instance of a Page object


Each Page object corresponds to a page of the survey

  • elements -- an array containing a mixture of SurveyError and its variants, Question, Title, Div. These are the items that will show up on each page of the survey
  • visibleIf?[true] -- a boolean, or a function which returns a boolean -- if true, then the page is included in the survey -- otherwise, it is skipped -- note, if the return type is a function which returns a boolean, then the page's visibility can be conditional
  • nextBtnText?["Next ▶︎"] - a string -- the text to appear on the 'next page' button
  • prevBtnText?["◀︎ Previous"] - a string -- the text to appear on the 'previous page' button
  • isNextButtonVisible?[true] -- a boolean -- if true, then the 'next page' button is visible; otherwise, only the 'previous page' button is visible


  • type -- one of the enum Question.Types (TEXT, NUMBER, DATE, RADIOGROUP, CHECKBOX, DROPDOWN, HTML, DYNAMIC_HTML) -- this type directly affects what other parameters should be included for the Question object
  • name -- a string -- a unique name for the question
  • visibleIf -- a boolean or a function returning a boolean -- if true, then this question is visible on the page; otherwise, this question is not present within the DOM


  • Add documentation for all the question types
  • Add documentation for the Div type
  • Add documentation for the SurveyError type
  • Provide code for the example GIFs