
PHP Magic Number Detector

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

PHP Magic Number Detector (PHPMND)

Scrutinizer Code Quality License Build Status Build Status

phpmnd is a tool that helps you detect magic numbers in PHP code. By default 0 and 1 are not considered to be magic numbers.

What is Magic Number?

Magic number is a numeric literal that is not defined as a constant that may change at a later stage, but that can be therefore hard to update. It is a bad programming practice of using numbers directly in source code without explanation. In most cases this makes programs harder to read, understand, and maintain.

class Foo 
    public function setPassword($password)
         // don't do this
         if (mb_strlen($password) > 7) {
              throw new InvalidArgumentException("password");

This should be refactored to:

class Foo 
    const MAX_PASSWORD_LENGTH = 7; // not const SEVEN = 7 :)
    public function setPassword($password)
         if (mb_strlen($password) > self::MAX_PASSWORD_LENGTH) {
              throw new InvalidArgumentException("password");

It improves readability of the code and it's easier to maintain. Of course not every literal number is magic number.

    $is_even = $number % 2 === 0

Surely number 2 is not a magic number.

My rule of thumb:

If the number came from business specs and is used directly - it is a magic number.



You can add this tool as a local, per-project, development-time dependency to your project using Composer:

$ composer require --dev povils/phpmnd

You can then invoke it using the vendor/bin/phpmnd executable.


To install globally:

    $ composer global require povils/phpmnd

Then make sure you have the global Composer binaries directory in your PATH. Example for some Unix systems:

    $ export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/.composer/vendor/bin"

Usage Example

Basic usage:

$ phpmnd wordpress --ignore-numbers=2,-1 --ignore-funcs=round,sleep --exclude=tests --progress --extensions=default_parameter,-return,argument

The --ignore-numbers option will exclude numbers from code analysis.

The --ignore-funcs option will exclude functions from code analysis when using "argument" extension.

The --exclude option will exclude a directory from code analysis (must be relative to source) (multiple values allowed)

The --exclude-path option will exclude path from code analysis (must be relative to source) (multiple values allowed)

The --exclude-file option will exclude file from code analysis (multiple values allowed)

The --suffixes comma separated option of valid source code filename extensions.

The --progress option will display progress bar.

The --hint option will suggest replacements for magic numbers based on your codebase constants.

The --non-zero-exit-on-violation option will return non zero exit code when there are magic numbers in your codebase.

The --strings option will include strings literal search in code analysis.

The --ignore-strings option will exclude strings from code analysis when using "strings" option.

The --extensions option lets you extend code analysis (extensions must be separated by a comma).

By default it analyses conditions, return statements and switch cases.

Choose from the list of available extensions:

  • argument

     	round($number, 4);
  • array

     	$array = [200, 201];
  • assign

    	$var = 10;
  • default_parameter

    	function foo($default = 3);
  • operation

    	$bar = $foo * 20;
  • property

    	private $bar = 10;
  • return(default)

    	return 5;
  • condition(default)

    	$var < 7;
  • switch_case(default)

    	case 3;
  • all To include all extensions.

If Extension starts with minus that means it will be removed from code analysis. I would recommend clean up code using default extension before using these extensions.


Please see CONTRIBUTING for more information.


The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.