Development environment for Ethereum using Docker, Vue.JS and Truffle+GanacheCLI
How to get started:
- Install Docker / Docker-compose
- Clone this project
- Download and install Ganache []
- cd into the project
cd ethdev_docker
- Start the container (docker-compose up -d)
- Run the start script (./scripts/
- Get a shell in the container (./scripts/
Then create a Vue.js project
- vue create [projectname]
- (follow vue wizard)
Then create a Truffle project (which we actually will copy the files from into the vue project)
- (go to /apps)
- mkdir truffle && pushd truffle
- truffle init
- popd
- cp -R truffle/* [projectname]
Some cleanup
- rm -f truffle-config.js
Set truffle.js to the following:
module.exports = {
// See <>
// to customize your Truffle configuration!
networks: {
development: {
host: "ganache-cli",
port: 8545,
network_id: "*",
gas: 4600000
Then go into the Vue project and get started
- cd [projectname]
- serve_start
- truffle migrate