- 0
Spacing issue
#44 opened by TheMartas29 - 0
- 5
ScrollView Nesting Issues.
#34 opened by BenThomasClark - 3
- 2
Grid Cell Reordering
#12 opened by timothyerwin - 3
zIndex for Grid Items
#31 opened by gabrielleyva - 4
Items overlap
#27 opened by Jomy10 - 1
can support this layout?
#39 opened by biqinglin - 1
TextEditor with multiple columns?
#33 opened by alelordelo - 1
Urgent! - 1.4.2 build fails
#36 opened by thegalkin - 1
- 1
Does it support tvOS?
#38 opened by karm435 - 6
Top alignment for cells
#35 opened by brendand - 11
How do you refresh the grid?
#26 opened by brendand - 0
#30 opened by junestchick - 2
Grid lines
#29 opened by brendand - 1
- 5
- 2
- 2
- 1
Change cell span dynamically
#25 opened by codertimu - 3
Idea - No issue
#3 opened by SebastianBO - 1
- 7
Provide alignment option for cell
#18 opened by t9mike - 1
- 0
Nested grid causes parent grid layout issues
#20 opened by t9mike - 2
Add Github Sponsor or other way to "tip"
#19 opened by t9mike - 1
Nested grid issue with rowspan
#16 opened by t9mike - 2
WidgetKit issues due to ScrollView
#15 opened by t9mike - 1
- 3
Support macOS
#13 opened by OskarGroth - 1
- 1
Spacing is inconsistent
#10 opened by EfraimB - 4
- 3
- 2
- 1
Feature requirement: Support IOS 10.x
#9 opened by sdykae - 3
Section Header
#5 opened by anoels - 0
Maybe add SPM support?
#1 opened by hernangonzalez