
This repository contains previous tasks organized into different branches, with each branch representing a specific task.

Table of Contents


Task 1

Branch Name: Task1

Description: Implemented a C/C++ program that prints the string ‘GRU’ in the output terminal (console) (Hello World problem). Designed a C/C++ program that takes the number to start the countdown from as input and prints the countdown text starting from that number. Created a C/C++ program that allows users to add, view, and remove tasks, each task has an id/index and a description. The id is a positive unique integer. Implemented a C/C++ program that takes two sensor measurements (just two arrays) and generates only one new array measurement with any averaging method, such as Kalman Filter.

Insights: Learned about C/C++ language and programming basics and functions.

Task 2

Branch Name: Task2

Description: Design a circuit that takes 220V AC as input and the output is 5V DC and connects LED to the output. Design a simple H-bridge driver to control the direction of the DC motor using transistors.

Insights: Learned about circuits basics and circuit components like transistors and types of batteries.

Task 3

Branch Name: Task3

Description: Implementing 2 Arduino codes, one that interface with two push buttons, and the other one communicates with the first one by receiving data about buttons state, using I2C communication protocol. Localizing the position of the cookie bot on that champer (localization in this problem means to get (x,y) of the robot with respect to the room).

Insights: Learned about Arduino codes and communication protocols.

Task 4

Branch Name: Task4

Description: Implementing a Python program that simulates this air battlefield using OOP Methods. Create Linear Regression Model, and train this model on a given dataset.

Insights: Learned about OOP using python and ML algorithms and datasets.

Task 6

Branch Name: Task6

Description: Designing 2 Arduino codes, one that Interface with the famous and cheap IMU sensor MPU6050, and retrieve the Yaw angle which angle along the z-axis (It’s preferred to interface with the sensor register, and the other interface with rotary Encoder and get the number of counts from the train of impulse from A, and B signals. Answering 2 questions about each codes and its components. Write article about Path planning using LaTeX.

Insights: Learned about sensors and its functionality also the rotary encoder and LaTeX language.

Repository Structure

  • main: The main branch contains this README file and provides an overview of the repository.
  • task-1: Branch for Task 1.
  • task-2: Branch for Task 2.
  • task-3: Branch for Task 3.
  • task-4: Branch for Task 4.
  • task-6: Branch for Task 6.

Feel free to explore each branch to access the code and files related to the specific tasks.


To clone the repository, use the following command:

git clone [https://github.com/eyadashrafkh/MIA_Task5/tree/main]