
A Vagrent Setup for an Amaterasu DevMachine Machine

Primary LanguageShell

#Amaterasu Dev Machine Vagrant Setup

This repository contains the vagrentfile and provisioning script for creating an Amaterasu dev machine.


Before you create a dev machine, make sure you have the Ametarasu source code, to do so, simply clone the Amaterasu git repo:

git clone https://github.com/shintoio/amaterasu.git

Note: the vagrentfile assumes you have cloned the repository in the ~/Shinto directory. If you have cloned the repository to a different path, please edit the following line before continue the installation to point to the correct path:

config.vm.synced_folder "~/Shinto/amaterasu/target/scala-2.11", "/ama"


Clone this repository to your local machine:

git clone https://github.com/shintoio/amaterasu-vagrant.git

Change the directory to amaterasu-vagrant and start the machine:

cd amaterasu-vagrant
vagrant up

Ssh to the vagrant machine:

vagrant ssh