No more messy whiteboard and calculation in module 60.
Run your swimming workout smoothly with one screen that include everything.
Any web server
None. Graphical User Interfaces base on Tkinter.
Tkinter is the Python interface to the Tk GUI toolkit shipped with Python.
Copy the files to your web server.
In the javascript file, change the variable "sheetURL" to your Google Sheet link.
Open workout.html
Change the variable "SHEET_NAME" to your Google Sheet link.
Run python3
Sheets Columns:
- # - Sequential Number. will be ignore by the software.
- Rept - Number of time the distance will be swim. MUST by a number or empty. empty will consider as \1.
- Distance - The distance to swim or can be any instruction, like rest between sets.
- Time - Time of each interval. MUST be in MM:SS format.
- Remarks - Instruction and emphasis from the coach.
Minimum permission nedded is "Anyone with link can view".
Use the "Copy link" button and delete the "/edit?usp=sharing"
- Setting Screen
- Load diffrent workout