- Java 8 installed on your computer.
- Running Kafka cluster accessible from your computer
- Permissions to create topics on Kafka cluster
- Manually (using kafka CLI) create a topic named "ksl20-input-topic" with about 15 partitions
- Clone this project
- Build it with gradle wrapper: from the project root run: "./gradlew build" This will produce an executable jar ksl20-ib-demo-backend-1.0.0.jar located in {project_root}/build/libs
- Navigate to {project_root}/build/libs
- Run executable ksl20-ib-demo-backend-1.0.0.jar (might need to manually assign execute permission on some systems)
Navigate to the following URL: http://localhost:8080/ui/index.html
NOTE: Frontend is an angular app built and placed under static resources off this app, so you don't have to run it separately. The source code can be found at https://github.com/beegor/ksl20-ib-demo-frontend