Arduino To CSV API

Save csv files with sensor data on you computer, no shields or additional devices needed

(pls let me know any problem, i barely know what im doing lol 😬)

  • Serial comm-based Python script and Arduino code.
  • Automate data collection over Serial Ports, provide your own config and timing
  • Change timestamp format, prefix, sufix, timed or enumerated output in the config.json file. Alternatively provide your own JSON file as:
$ python3 yourfile.json

Your file must follow this format:

    "filesPath": null,
    "prefix": "Example",
    "sufix": "Example",
    "timestampF": "%B %d %H:%M:%S",
    "baudRate": null,
    "port": null,
  • filespath: Absolute path to save output csvs, leave at null for local repo saving on /CSVs/
  • prefix: string prefix on filename
  • sufix: string sufix on filename
  • timestampF: format string for the timestamp on the filename see datetime documentation or
  • baudRate: bR of connection, default is 9600
  • port: String of known port, if null autoconnect is enabled
  • ignorePorts: Array of ports to be ignored at autoConnect

Pyserial is need to run, install as follows

$ pip install pyserial


  1. Upload yoursketch.ino to your board
  2. Keep your board connected to your computer
  3. Run wait for the scrip to detect the arduino and connect to it.
  4. Trigger data transmission. A csv file will be saved with you data. See previous to change save path and filenames.

API Objects

Serial logger

New logger

yourlogger = SerialLogger(baud=9600,parity="N",stopbits=1,verbose=True)


  • port_list: List of ports to be scanned, default is pyserial comports()
  • word: Word to be looked for in port name
  • rest: If "word" is not found try rest of ports
  • ignorelist: List of ports to be ignored

Manual connect

  • tries: Connection tries

Both connectors return a pyserial serial connection object

  • connection: Serial connection object

Returns data array. Serial line in each item

CSV writer

yourWriter = csvwriter(prefix=None,sufix=None,here=False,timeStamp=True,format=None,path=None)
  • prefix: Prefix for files
  • sufix: Sufix for files
  • here: Write files in current directory
  • timeStamp: Write timestamp condition
  • format: Timestamp format, see
  • path:Path for file writing

Make name

name = yourWriter.makeName()

Returns generated name string

Write to file

  • name: Name to save file as, (eg =.makeName() )
  • data: Data array to be written (eg =SerialLogger.MultipleReader() )
  • mode: 'w': Write, 'a': Append

Outputs a .csv file



$ python3 your-own-config.json

Script will connect to configured ports, read values and write the in a loop


logger = SerialLogger()
connection = logger.autoConnect(ignorelist=ignorePorts)

while True:
    data = logger.MultipleReader(connection)
    writer = csvwriter(prefix=prefix,sufix=sufix,here=False,timeStamp=True,format=timestampF,path=filesPath)
    name = writer.makeName()
