I2P is a great network for distributing information using Bittorrent. However, it's not always easy to make your torrents discoverable to others. Uploading files via a WebUI can be time-consuming when you wish to share hundreds of files. It's easy to run an open tracker using zzzot, but open trackers don't maintain a searchable index of the files people are sharing. This is a trick that will allow you to treat zzzot as both an open tracker and a searchable indexing tracker of files that you want to share.
will do all this automatically on linux.
You need zzzot to make this work.
You can install zzzot by pasting this link http://stats.i2p/i2p/plugins/zzzot.su3
into "Install from URL" on the Plugin Config page.
You can also obtain zzzot from zzz's plugins page inside of I2P.
Make a note of the zzzot tracker base32 address at
Enter it into the environment variable zzzot_announce
like so:
export zzzot_announce="thisisanexampleofafiftytwocharacterlongbasethirtytwo.b32.i2p"
You'll also need: sed
and transmission-edit
After you install zzzot, symlink directory where I2PSnark stores it's downloads to a sub-directory of zzzot's document root.
If you're on Linux and used a .jar
installer, this command will work:
ln -sf ~/.i2p/i2psnark ~/.i2p/plugins/zzzot/eepsite/docroot/i2psnark
Or, if you used a Debian package:
sudo -u i2psvc ln -sf /var/lib/i2p/i2p-config/i2psnark /var/lib/i2p/i2p-config/plugins/zzzot/eepsite/docroot/i2psnark
When you visit the zzzot plugin's homepage via a web browser, either locally or via I2P, it simply serves up the files found in the eepsite/docroot
This allows you to customize the zzzot homepage in order to show whatever you want.
We're going to take advantage of this to generate an index of the torrents we're sharing along with some details about them.
To do this we'll use a shell script to generate the page.
#! /usr/bin/env sh
tagList() {
for torrent in i2psnark/*.torrent; do
filename=$(echo $torrent | sed 's|.torrent||g')
title=$(echo $filename | sed 's|-| |g' | sed 's|i2psnark/||g')
tags=$(echo $title | sed 's|\.| |g' | sed 's|@| |g')
for tag in $tags; do
for tag in $tags; do
echo " <a class=\"$tag lvix1\" href=\"#$tag\">$tag</a>"
generatePage() {
echo "<!doctype html>"
echo "<html lang=en>"
echo "<head>"
echo "<meta charset=utf-8>"
echo "<title>Torrent Index</title>"
echo "<script src=\"script.js\"></script>"
echo "<style>"
echo "div {"
echo " display: \"inline\";"
echo "}"
echo "</style>"
echo "</head>"
echo "<body>"
cd "$SHARE"
echo " <div class=\"tags\">Tags:"
tagList | sort -u
echo " </div>"
for torrent in i2psnark/*.torrent; do
transmission-edit -a "http://$zzzot_announce/a" "$torrent" 2> "$BACK/err" 1> "$BACK/log"
filename=$(echo $torrent | sed 's|.torrent||g')
title=$(echo $filename | sed 's|-| |g' | sed 's|i2psnark/||g')
tags=$(echo $title | sed 's|\.| |g' | sed 's|@| |g')
echo " <div id="$filename" class=\"lvix2 $tags\">"
echo " <a href=\"$torrent\">$title</a></br>"
echo " <div class=\"tags\">Tags:"
for tag in $tags; do
echo " <a class=\"$tag lvix1\" href=\"#$tag\">$tag</a>"
echo " </div>"
echo " </div>"
cd $BACK
echo "</body>"
echo "</html>"
If you're indexing hundreds of torrents, it will help to have the ability to filter the torrents based on their contents. Our script from step two converts the titles of the torrents into a list of tags, which can then be filtered. This provides us with a way of searching the available torrents efficiently.
window.addEventListener("load", function () {
function setupTags() {
let els = document.querySelectorAll(".lvix1");
for (let el of els)
el.addEventListener("click", function () {
let divset = document.querySelectorAll(".lvix2");
for (let div of divset) div.style.display = "none";
let cl = el.classList[0];
let divs = document.querySelectorAll("." + cl);
for (let div of divs) div.style.display = "inline";
function showTags() {
let els = document.querySelectorAll(".lvix1");
for (let el of els) {
el.style.display = "inline";