
GG Client is a debug client for PHP developers.

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT


This library is a PHP library required to use the GG Client. Please visit the following site: http://phpgg.kr

Important Notice

This library moved to new vendor(beaverlabs/gg) name. Please use the following command to install the library.

composer require --dev eyedroot/gg


GG Client is a debug client for PHP developers. Install the library and check the variables you want to output in GG Client with gg($foo);. The data storage feature allows you to retrieve it later. If you're a developer using the Laravel framework, you can automatically detect exception objects and check them directly in GG Client.

Installation and Requirements

GG Client can be used as a package installed by the composer dependency management tool. If you're a vanilla PHP developer, you can use the following command to install the library. Before installing, make sure that the PHP version of your project is higher than ^8.3. Note that the Laravel framework supports versions from ^9.0 and above.

Support PHP Version

  • beaverlabs/gg:v2.0.0 requires PHP version ^8.3
  • beaverlabs/gg:v1.5.3 requires PHP version ^7.4

Porject Installation via composer

For projects that manage dependencies using composer, please install the library for your project.

composer require --dev beaverlabs/gg

Publishing GG Client

If you are using the Laravel framework, you can publish the GG Client to the public directory using the following command.

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Beaverlabs\Gg\Providers\GgServiceProvider"


--force option can be used to overwrite existing files.

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Beaverlabs\Gg\Providers\GgServiceProvider" --force

environment variables

The following environment variables are required to use the library.
