GG Client

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GG Client


GG Client is a debug client for PHP developers. Install the library and check the variables you want to output in GG Client with gg($foo);. The data storage feature allows you to retrieve it later. If you're a developer using the Laravel framework, you can automatically detect exception objects and check them directly in GG Client.

Installation and Requirements

GG Client can be used as a package installed by the composer dependency management tool. If you're a vanilla PHP developer, you can use the following command to install the library. Before installing, make sure that the PHP version of your project is higher than ^7.4. Note that the Laravel framework supports versions from ^7.2 and above.

Global Installation via composer

$ composer global require beaverlabs/gg

Porject Installation via composer

For projects that manage dependencies using composer, please install the library for your project.

$ composer require --dev beaverlabs/gg

Bug Reports

This is very important. Please report bugs in GG Client through the issues in the repository.

For bugs related to the library, please report them using the repositories below: