YIFY/YTS shut down. Yify.py won't work anymore.
Python script to interact wit yify-torrents api
-l, --limit: limit the max amount of movie results (integer 1-50)
-q, --quality: choose between 720p, 1080p or 3D.
-r, --rating: sets minimum imd rating (integer 1-10)
-g, --genre: genre see http://www.imdb.com/genre/ for full list.
-s, --sort: sort result by date, seeds, peers, size, alphabet, rating, downloaded.
-o, --order: order ascending or descending (asc/desc).
-a, --autoadd: automatically add every single search result through your command.
-c, --command: change your chosen default command to add the magnet links
-t, --torrenturl: use torrent url instead of magnet link
Invalid input will try to search with default values.
- Add autoadd-all functionality
Use peerflix + the dabble site to watch yify movies on your Chromecast
This uses peerflix plus https://dabble.me/cast with the yify.py script found here https://github.com/eyenx/yify.py
Basic setup instructions: You will need nodejs, npm, and python-requests (Ubuntu)
sudo apt-get install nodejs npm python-requests git
sudo npm install peerflix -g
By default the peerflix script looks for node but the binary is called nodejs most of the time. Run this and edit the very first line and change node to nodejs.
sudo nano $(which peerflix)
Then we need to clone the yify torrents script.
git clone https://github.com/eyenx/yify.py
cd yify.py
Edit yify.py and replace python with python3 in the very first line.
./yify.py -c peerflix
to set the command that is run upon selecting a torrent
Export your browser variable (needed for yify.py but not used here)
export BROWSER=anything
./yify.py -t <search term>
(-t signifies we want the torrent URL instead of the magnet link)
Select the movie you want and press enter. This will launch peerflix. Quickly copy the top URL into a Chrome window. In my case it was
Let this load in the browser first. We need to make sure it has downloaded enough to start playing.
Then use this bookmarklet (the original bookmarklet from dabble doesn't recognize this URL as valid since it doesnt contain a file extension)
Then just click on that bookmarklet. The dabble page will load up. Use the normal cast extension to select your Chromecast and then hit Play. If it says error at first just refresh. It will stay connected to the chromecast and should start playing afterwards.
Note to stop peerflix you have to run
killall nodejs
in a terminal window.
Windows instructions http://www.reddit.com/r/Chromecast/comments/1x992z/use_peerflix_the_dabble_site_to_watch_yify_movies/cf9tokp
Raspbian Instructions:
python3 is already there!
Now make sure You remove any nodejs/npm packages already installed.
sudo apt-get purge nodejs
sudo apt-get purge npm
Now Install Node js using the command below( Thanks to midnightcodr on github)
curl -L https://raw.github.com/midnightcodr/rpi_node_install/master/setup.sh | bash -s 0.10.24
Note that you can invoke node with command node and not nodejs, so the edit in the peerflix nodejs script is not required.
Once node is installed , Install npm
sudo apt-get install npm
Then do a global install of peerflix.
sudo npm install peerflix -g
Now you can use yify script
sudo BROWSER=ddd python3 yify.py -c peerflix
sudo BROWSER=ddd python3 yify.py -t "wolf of wallstreet"