
Backend Repository for LanVille Project

Primary LanguagePython

CircleCI Coverage Status


Backend Repository for LandVille Project


  • landVille is a simple mobile-enabled solution that helps people access real estate investing with ease and convenience. landVille provides users and investors with an intelligent and most predictive search tool for properties in Nigeria, access to saving models and financing, smart contract and documentation and Our technology has four basic value proposition: search capability for safe and most trusted trending properties, saving and access to financing, smart contract and documentation, credit rating tool


  • List of endpoints exposed by the service
Method Endpoint Description
POST /landville/adm/ log in Admin
POST /api/v1/auth/register/ registers new users by email
GET /api/v1/auth/verify/ activates a users account
POST /api/v1/auth/login/ logs in a user by email
POST /api/v1/auth/google/ user signs in through google
POST /api/v1/auth/twitter/ user signs in through twitter
POST /api/v1/auth/facebook/ user signs in through facebook
POST /api/v1/auth/client/ application for client company
GET /api/v1/auth/clients/ Fetch all client companies
POST /api/v1/auth/password-reset/ user gets a reset password link
POST /api/v1/pay/card-pin/ initiate payment with local Nigerian cards, with PIN
POST /api/v1/pay/card-foreign/ initiate payment with foreign cards
POST /api/v1/pay/validate-card/ validate payment with local Nigerian cards, with PIN
PATCH /api/v1/auth/password-reset/ user resets password
POST /api/v1/transcations/accounts post account details by Client
GET /api/v1/transcations/accounts Get account details depending on User level
GET /api/v1/transcations/account/<account_number> Get a single account details entry
PUT /api/v1/transcations/account/<account_number> Update a single account detail entry
DELETE /api/v1/transcations/account/<account_number> Delete a single account detail entry
POST /api/v1/transactions/tokenized-card/ Make payment with tokenized card
GET /api/v1/properties/ get all property
POST /api/v1/properties/ create a property page
GET /api/v1/properties/get// get specific property
DELETE /api/v1/properties/get// delete specific property
PATCH /api/v1/properties/get// update specific property
DELETE /api/v1/properties/buyer-list// remove property with slug from current user's buyer list
POST /api/v1/properties/buyer-list// add property with slug to current user's buyer list
GET /api/v1/properties/buyer-list/ get properties in current user's buyer list
GET /api/v1/properties/trending/?address=City get all trending properties in a particular location
PUT /api/v1/properties/enquiries/<enquiry_id>/ Update a property Enquiry
POST api/v1/propertis/enquiries/<property_slug>/create/ Post a property enquiry
DELETE api/v1/properties/enquiries/<enquiry_id>/ Delete an enquiry
GET api/v1/properties/enquiries/all/ get all your enquiries
GET api/v1/properties/enquiries/<enquiry_id>/ get one enquiry
DELETE api/v1/properties/:slug/resource delete a cloudinary resource
GET api/v1/auth/profile/ gets a profile of the loggedin user
PATCH api/v1/auth/profile/ edits a profile of the loggedin user
GET api/v1/transactions/ get a users transaction details

API Documentation


The heroku link redirects direclty to our documentation With these documentation, One can be able to test all endpoint as mentioned above in a browser


  • Step by step instructions on how to get the code setup locally. This may include:


  • Celery is a task queue with focus on real-time processing, while also supporting task scheduling.

  • Redis is a message broker. This means it handles the queue of "messages" between Django and Celery.

  • All two work together to make real-time magic.

  • This module contains the Celery application instance for this project, we take configuration from Django settings and use autodiscover_tasks to find task modules inside all packages listed in INSTALLED_APPS.

    ### Installing requirements

    The settings file assumes that rabbitmq-server is running on localhost using the default ports.


- python3.7
- python3
- pip3
- django 2.2.1
- celery
- redis

Getting Started

  • First clone the project to your local machine using git clone https://github.com/landvilleng/landville-backend-web-api.git
  • Create a virtual environment using the following command : python3 -m venv /path/to/new/virtual/environment
  • Activate your virtual environment using source (virtualenv name)/bin/activate
  • Create a new branch from the develop branch using the command git checkout -b your_branch_name
  • Install project requirements using pip install -r requirements.txt
  • To create a dot_env file .env, run the command cp .env_sample .env so that the .env_sample file can be copied to .env.
  • Edit the .env file with your own credentials. Eg : database username, password ,etc
  • Make sure you have export REDIS_URL="redis://localhost:6379" in your .env file. (this allows the celery to connect with redis.)
  • Set your environement variable by running the following command source .env
  • Create a Postgres database with the name you put in the .env file
  • Run the command python manage.py migrate to create database tables
  • Download Redis
    • Using Homebrew:
 $ brew install redis
    • Start Redis server 
$ brew services start redis
  • Open & Test Redis: $ redis-server
  • Run worker: $ celery -A yourproject worker -l info` * example $ celery -A landville worker -l info
  • Run command python manage.py runserver to start the project

Run The Service

  • List of steps to run the service (e.g. docker commands)


  • List out the microservices if any that this repo uses(This will include the payment service we shall be using)


  • To run tests without coverage run python manage.py test
  • To run tests with coverage run coverage run --source='authentication/,property/,transactions/,pages/,' manage.py test && coverage report


  • For contributions to this project, reach out
