- 6
Any way to get Material colors?
#35 opened by niksingh710 - 5
Directories inside templates folder
#66 opened by Reyshyram - 3
- 3
still compatible with mac?
#87 opened by vang0130 - 1
- 4
- 4
checksum is not added to the JSON export
#76 opened by deviantfero - 1
- 2
Noticed an inconsistency when using '-p NAME'
#71 opened by vaskark - 12
Color contrast specification / cmd line option
#60 opened by ambertia - 9
Main / accent color
#61 opened by Reyshyram - 22
- 7
- 13
Installation instructions wrong
#23 opened by brxxlstxrs - 2
16 colors output only with --cols16 option
#54 opened by lioncahir - 4
#52 opened by asimovc - 24
After updating it via AUR
#48 opened by niksingh710 - 0
- 6
[Unsure]: Color generation for gif.
#39 opened by niksingh710 - 7
- 1
Problem with colors[0]
#38 opened by BEST8OY - 2
Is it possible to use it with wpgtk?
#32 opened by niksingh710 - 4
How to remove transparent background ?
#25 opened by samiulbasirfahim - 8
property export
#13 opened by eylles - 6
Bad interaction with BSPWM.
#9 opened by lordaris