Kosaraju Server

This project implements a server that allows connecting several clients, creating graphs, modify them and execute the Kosaraju-Sharir alogrithm on a created graph.

Table of Contents

Ex1 - Ex4: Implementing multiuser graph

In those levels, we've implemented a multiuser server, that allows multiple connections to occur at the same time, and can recive actions from various users.

The entire code for those levels can be found in profiling and standard folders.

Ex1 - Basic Kosaraju implementation

In this level, we've implemented a basic program that allows us to create a graph (given a size), enter which edged exist in the graph, calculates and prints the output of the algorithm.

Ex2 - Profiling

In this level, we were asked to determine which data structure was the best for holding a graph, and which data structure is the best for implementing the algorithm. After profiling and comapring the resultes, we came to the conclution that the best data structure for holding a graph a adjecny matrix, and the best data structure for implementing the algorithm is a deque.

For all comparisons and profiling file, check the profiling folder.

Ex3 - Interaction with clients

In this level, we've added interaction with clients through stdin. Now the server support the following commands:

newgraph n,m
newedge i,j
removeedge i,j

Ex4 - Multi User Server

In this level, we've made the server available for multiple users, based on Beej's chat model.

Ex5 - Ex6: Implementing Reactor design pattern

Ex5 - Implementing Reactor pattern

In this level, we've implemented the Reactor design pattern, using EventHandler structs and a list of them in order to manage the connections.

Ex6 - Integrating the Reactor pattern

In this level, we've integrated the pattern into the basic server from Ex4.

Ex7: Implementing Threaded server

In this level, we've changed the basic server from Ex4 so now every client has it's own thread. whenever we accept a new client, we're opening a new thread for him.

Ex8 - Ex9: Implementing Proactor design pattern

Ex8 - Implementing Proactor pattern

In this level, we've implemented the Proactor design pattern, using EventHandler structs and a list of them in order to manage the connections.

Ex9 - Integrating the Proactor pattern

In this level, we've integrated the pattern into the basic server from Ex7.

Ex10: Implementing Producer/Consumer concept

In this level, we've used the producer/consumer method in order to create a thread that will indicate the server if 50% of the graph is in the same SCC or not, after a kosaraju command was executed. this thread uses POSIX cond.

How to use

For every server (each version is in a different directory) the commands are:

newgraph n,m
newedge i,j
removeedge i,j


to execute all the servers, use make. that will create a different file for every directory.
