Tree Iterators - With GUI

This project implements a new Tree container. The default of the Tree is a binary tree, but it can be implemented to any amount of nodes that a father can possess.

There are also implementations of various iterators: BFS, DFS (for all trees), InOrder, PreOrder, PostOrder, Heap (only for binary tree).

Class Hierarchy (Bottom To Top)

Node Class

This class implements the basic Node object, that we'll use in order to create the nodes of the Tree.


Node(T data)
void add_child(Node<T> *child)
void remove_child(Node<T> *child)
const T &get_value() const
Node<T> *&get_child(int index)
std::vector<Node<T> *> &get_children()
bool operator==(const Node<T> &other) const
bool operator!=(const Node<T> &other) const
std::string to_str() const
template<> std::string to_string<Complex>(const Complex& value)
template<typename T> std::string to_string(const T& value)
void drawNode(sf::RenderWindow &window, int depth, int x, int y)

Complex Class

This class implements the complex numbers, that we'll use in the demo.


Complex(double, double);
double normal() const;
bool operator==(const Complex &) const;
bool operator>(const Complex &) const;
std::string string_rep() const;

std::string to_string(const Complex &other);
std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &stream, const Complex &other);

Iterators Class

This class implements all the iterators that will be used in this program: BFS, DFS, In Order, Pre Order, Post Order, Heap.


//Since all iterators apply to the same interface, I will describe a general iterator:

Iterator(Node<T> *root)
const T &operator*() const
const Node<T> *operator->() const
Iterator &operator++()
const Iterator operator++(int)
bool operator==(const InOrderIterator &rhs) const
bool operator!=(const InOrderIterator &rhs) const

Tree Class

This is the main Tree container. There's a basic AnyTree class for the functionality that every tree (binary and k-ary) can implement, and then there's a specialization for the Binary Tree class.


//AnyTree class functions:

void add_root(Node<T> *root)
void add_sub_node(Node<T> *parent, Node<T> *child)
Node<T> *get_root()
BFSIterator<T> begin()
BFSIterator<T> end()
BFSIterator<T> begin_bfs_scan()
BFSIterator<T> end_bfs_scan()
DFSIterator<T> begin_dfs_scan()
DFSIterator<T> end_dfs_scan()
void drawTree(sf::RenderWindow &window)
friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &stream, const AnyTree<T, N> &other)

/* K-ary/Binary tree specialization - the only difference is in the implementation:
The InOrder, PreOrder, and PostOrder traversals are not available to K-ary trees, so they're implemented using the DFSIterator

//For K-ary
DFSIterator<T> begin_in_order()
DFSIterator<T> end_in_order()
DFSIterator<T> begin_pre_order()
DFSIterator<T> end_pre_order()
DFSIterator<T> begin_post_order()
DFSIterator<T> end_post_order()
DFSIterator<T> begin_heap()
DFSIterator<T> end_heap()

//For Binary
InOrderIterator<T> begin_in_order()
InOrderIterator<T> end_in_order()
PreOrderIterator<T> begin_pre_order()
PreOrderIterator<T> end_pre_order()
PostOrderIterator<T> begin_post_order()
PostOrderIterator<T> end_post_order()
HeapIterator<T> begin_heap()
HeapIterator<T> end_heap()

Libraries Used

Here's a list of all libraries used in this project:

Containers Library

#include <vector>
#include <stack>
#include <queue>

Testing Library

#include "doctest.h"

GUI Library

#include <SFML/Graphics.hpp>

I\O Library

#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <cmath>


This is how you use the container:

Node<double> root_node(1.1) //create base node
Tree<double> tree; //create binary double tree
Tree<int, 3> tree; //create 3-ary int tree

tree.add_root(&root_node); //set the root for a tree

Node<double> n1(1.2)
tree.add_sub_node(&root_node, &n1) //add son for the root node

//use the iterator
for (auto node = tree.begin_in_order(); node != tree.end_in_order(); ++node)
  std::cout << node->get_value() << " ";

std::cout << tree //print the tree using GUI


The are two files being executed in the project: demo and test. demo is used to showcase a main program that demonstrates how the program works. test is used to showcase the testing done on the various functions of the project. In order to execute the project, perform the following commands in the terminal:

make tree # will execute the demo file
make test # will create the test exe file
./test # execute the test file
