
A growing collection of resources and learning materials related to back end development, distributed systems, cloud hosting etc

Work in progress

A collection of resources specific to back end tools, technologies, code examples and easily consumable documentation

Examples of things I want this repo to include:

  • Linux commands, easy-to-read examples and use cases
  • Resources related to everything back-end tech, where documentation or tutorials / examples are easily digested
  • Bite sized tutorials on different technologies and tools, such as Docker, Kubernetes, load balancing etc
  • "How Do I?s" - concise, clear documents of FAQs about setting up, configuring and running servers and other fun stuff
  • Code snippets / examples


Feel free to raise an issue on the repo with any suggestions, pull requests to add code etc

Catch me on Discord - NegatronBear#9815 and also in the Eddie Jaoude Community Server