ECOOP 2016 Artifact

Our tool adds a new sanitizer to clang, a const sanitizer. This sanitizer verifies that instances of const are treated as transitively immutable. Our tool will display a warning for any write through a const type qualifier, even if a field is explictly const. The goal of our tool is to investigate how developers use const in programs.


Virtual Machine

Note that these instructions assume the non-VDI image, running on QEMU. For Windows users, download the VDI image and use VirtualBox. After the Virtual Machine is running, the instructions are identical.

There is an example virtual machine already setup. The username and password to this VM are both ecoop-2016. To run the VM, with QEMU, do the following:

qemu-system-x86_64 -enable-kvm -m 2048 -drive file=ecoop-2016.qcow2,format=qcow2

The login information you'll always want to use is:

Username: ecoop-2016
Password: ecoop-2016

This VM should have all the requirements needed to run all of the experiments. If you want to SSH into the VM from your host, use the following:

qemu-system-x86_64 -enable-kvm -m 2048 -drive file=ecoop-2016.qcow2,format=qcow2 -net user,hostfwd=tcp::10022-:22 -net nic

Then from your host machine do:

ssh ecoop-2016@localhost -p10022

Note that the VM needs to be connected to the internet in order for some packages to build.

Building (Optional)

If you are using the VM image that we've distributed, the clang++ executable on that VM points to a prebuilt version of our tool. However, we've included the sources and you can build your own clang++ from scratch as follows.

Ensure you have the base-devel group installed and the multilib repository enabled. Afterwards you can build the package in the standard Arch Linux fashion:

cd ~/abs
makepkg -s

After building the tool, you can use our set of 16 small test cases you run to ensure the tool works correctly. Navigate to the test directory to see these tests:

cd ~/abs/src/llvm-csan-0.0.1/projects/compiler-rt/test/csan

Note: if you haven't built the tool, this directory will not exist, do the following first:

cd ~/abs
makepkg -o

The expected test results are embedded within the source files themselves. Any lines with CHECK are expected to occur on stderr when the source file is compiled and run with our tool enabled. Any lines beginning with CHECK-NOT should not occur when our tool is used. To run all the tests do the following:

cd ~/abs/src/llvm-csan-0.0.1/build
make check-csan

Note 1: you must have built the tool in order to run make check-csan!

Note 2: for the timing results in the paper, ran a debug version of the tool. To build a debug version, follow these steps:

cd ~/abs
makepkg -s -p PKGBUILD-debug

Then replace the current version of our packages with these debugging ones with:

pacman -U *.pkg.tar.xz

Manually Running Tests

Instead of automatically running the tests with make check-csan (and not getting much feedback, due to the LLVM testing framework), you can also manually run the tests. You do need to cd ~/abs; makepkg -o as described above, though.

To manually run them yourself do the following:

cd ~
clang++ -fsanitize=const -g ~/abs/src/llvm-csan-0.0.1/projects/compiler-rt/test/csan/ -o const-object

You may explore all the other tests by exploring ~/abs/src/llvm-csan-0.0.1/projects/compiler-rt/test/csan and running them in a similar manner.


To use the tool, use clang++ as you normally would, but add the flags -fsanitize=const -g. You should get more precise results if you disable optimizations and include the frame pointer with -O0 -fno-omit-frame-pointer. To run the example given in Listing 1 of the paper, do the following:

cd ~/examples
clang++ -std=c++11 -fsanitize=const -g listing-1.cpp

You can run the resulting executable as ./a.out and you should see a warning. To write to an external log file, use the log_path option. For example, to log the results to a file called listing-1.log do the following:

CSAN_OPTIONS=log_path=listing-1.log ./a.out

After running the program again, there should be no extra output on stderr and there should be a listing-1.log.XXXXX file in the current directory where XXXXX are random numbers. Feel free to try it out!


Note that to browse the implementation you have to have the sources extracted. To extract the sources, do the following:

cd ~/abs
makepkg -o

The first part of the implementation is getting Clang to annotate definition expressions of declaration statements so that ConstSanitizer can ignore them. The code implementing this is in: ~/abs/src/llvm-csan-0.0.1/tools/clang/lib/CodeGen/CGDebugInfo.cpp and ~/abs/src/llvm-csan-0.0.1/tools/clang/lib/CodeGen/CGDebugInfo.h. The part of the code generation we instrument is in ~/abs/src/llvm-csan-0.0.1/tools/clang/lib/CodeGen/CGDecl.cpp within the EmitAutoVarDecl method.

The heart of our implementation is located at: ~/abs/src/llvm-csan-0.0.1/lib/Transforms/Instrumentation/ConstSanitizer.cpp. This file corresponds to the instrumentation of LLVM bit code that implements our runtime const tracking. The computation of the shadow values is in the getShadowVal method.

The runtime library is located at: ~/abs/src/llvm-csan-0.0.1/projects/compiler-rt/lib/csan/ This file contains the implementation that reports the stack traces at runtime.

The modification to get Clang to recongize our new sanitizer option is located at: ~/abs/src/llvm-csan-0.0.1/tools/clang/lib/CodeGen/BackendUtil.cpp.


All experiments are located in the experiments directory. To instrument a project, for example Ninja, do the following:

cd ~/experiments
python ninja

The build script stores any build-time violations (for instance, that occur while running a project's tests as part of the build) in the experiments directory, in a file named PACKAGE-build.log. Ninja is an example of a project that runs tests as part of its build.

To create groupings for manual inspection, run python ninja. The script collects all results from log files with the specified project name.

The next subsections give examples of how we obtained the results in the paper.


Similar to the Ninja example above, tests are run as part of the build process. So you may do the following:

cd ~/experiments
python protobuf
python protobuf-build

These results should be comparable to ~/results/protobuf.txt after organization. Note that running the tests produces many protobuf-build.log.XXXXX files. While the script does combine all build log files, the resulting file still contains a separate section for each build log file. We manually combined these sections and report combined results from all build logs.

Note that before manual post-processing we found 216 unique warnings with 169736 occurences. There was one archetype, relating to message targets, we could not determine and did not include in the paper. This archetype had 133 unique warnings with 14638 occurences and were manually identified. We also had a false positive due to incorrect debugging information (we believe). This archetype had 7 unique locations with 27454 occurences. Manually removing these results should exactly match the results in the paper.


Similar to above, tests are run as part of the build process.


We obtained the Fish results by running the shell, following these steps:

cd ~/experiments
python fish
CSAN_OPTIONS=log_path=fish.log fish/pkg/fish/usr/bin/fish

Then press control-D to exit. Afterwards you can do the same as with Ninja:

python fish

These results should correspond to the paper.


cd ~/experiments
python mosh
CSAN_OPTIONS=log_path=mosh.log mosh/pkg/mosh/usr/bin/mosh --client=/home/ecoop-2016/experiments/mosh/pkg/mosh/usr/bin/mosh-client --server=/home/ecoop-2016/experiments/mosh/pkg/mosh/usr/bin/mosh-server localhost

Answer yes to the certificate (if prompted) and login using the same information used for the virtual machine (username ecoop-2016, password ecoop-2016).

Again, similar to the last case, use the group script:

python mosh

These results should correspond to the paper (there may be more unique locations than in the paper).


Similar to Ninja, LLVM compiles llvm-tblgen and executes it as part of its build process. Therefore after running the build script the results should be accessible with:

cd ~/experiments
python llvm-build


Similar to Fish, we run the executable. You may need to also include LD_LIBRARY_PATH like so:

cd ~/experiments
python tesseract
CSAN_OPTIONS=log_path=tesseract.log LD_LIBRARY_PATH=tesseract/pkg/tesseract/usr/lib tesseract/pkg/tesseract/usr/bin/tesseract stdin stdout

You should get an error along the lines of "error opening data file", and tesseract immediately exits. However, there will be some results, as before run:

python tesseract


In this case, as part of the build process, the tests are run. Therefore the ninja-build.log.XXXXX shows what violations occur as part of the test suite. If you open this file and observe it, the first non-standard library portion of the stack trace should be in src/ matching the results of the paper. There should be 4 unique source locations, starting in the standard library, for all violations. To find these unique source locations, like for all other experiments, use the group script:

cd ~/experiments
python ninja-build

This will group the raw results into unique locations and also give the dynamic violation count.

Wayland / Weston

First build Wayland and install the package:

cd ~/experiments
python wayland
sudo pacman -U wayland/wayland-1.9.0-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz

Then you can build weston:

python weston

Again, run the produced executable:

CSAN_OPTIONS=log_path=weston.log weston/pkg/weston/usr/bin/weston


To collect the timing results, for example for Protobuf, do the following:

cd ~/experiments
python protobuf

Note that you'll have to clear all the build files between each run. Do that with the following command (you need to cd into the project directory first).

cd ~/experiments/protobuf
rm -rf src pkg *.pkg.tar.xz

The resulting files will be in /tmp/time-protobuf-build and /tmp/time-protobuf-check. The last 3 lines of the first file indicate how long it took to build with the tool enabled. The last 3 lines of the second file indicate how long it took to run the tests with the tool enabled. After recording these numbers you can do the same procedure with the tool disabled. To collect the timing (after cleaning) results do:

cd ~/experiments
python protobuf


Our results are in the results directory, organized by project name. These files represent our findings organized by manually categorizing the violations and putting them all under the same heading. The remaining results show the number of violations at each source location. These violations are annotated with source locations.