Company Investment Smart Contract

This repository contains a Solidity smart contract that allows investors to invest in a company while incorporating Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and rules to ensure investor trust.


The smart contract enables investors to contribute funds to the company and tracks their investments. It includes the following features:

  • Investors can invest in the company by sending Ether to the contract.
  • The company can update the KPI threshold required for investors to withdraw their investments.
  • The company can update the KPI status to indicate whether the threshold has been met.
  • Once the investment period is closed and the KPI threshold is met, investors can withdraw their investments.

Contract Details

The smart contract is implemented in Solidity and includes the following key components:

  • Investor struct: Represents an individual investor with their address, invested amount, KPI threshold, and active status.
  • investors mapping: Tracks the details of all investors participating in the investment.
  • companyAddress: Stores the address of the company.
  • totalInvestedAmount: Tracks the total amount invested by all investors.
  • totalKpiThreshold: Stores the KPI threshold required for investors to withdraw their investments.
  • companyKpiMet: Indicates whether the company has met the KPI threshold.
  • investmentClosed: Indicates whether the investment period is closed.

Getting Started

To use this smart contract, follow these steps:

  1. Install a Solidity compiler, such as solc, to compile the smart contract.
  2. Deploy the smart contract on an Ethereum network using a compatible Ethereum client or platform.
  3. Interact with the contract using a web interface, command-line interface, or another contract.

Example Usage

Here's an example of how to use the smart contract:

  1. Deploy the contract, providing the company address and the desired KPI threshold.
  2. Investors can call the invest() function, sending Ether along with the transaction, to invest in the company.
  3. The company can update the KPI threshold using the updateKpiThreshold() function.
  4. The company can update the KPI status using the updateKpiStatus() function.
  5. Once the investment period is closed and the KPI threshold is met, investors can call the withdrawInvestment() function to withdraw their investments.