How to add a post

  1. Click Create new file on this page
  2. Give the file a name
    • Names should start with date and end with the post title
    • Names must be unique - they determine the final URL of the post
    • Do not use special characters in file name (no ÆØÅ or symbols except - or _ ).
  3. Copy this template to file contents
published: false
title: What's the deal with "Eyr"?
description: The story behind the name "Eyr" and it's origin in Norse mythology.
language: en
date: 2017-01-13
image_desc: Menglad surrounded by her nine maidens including Eir

  1. Edit the metadata
    • Keep published to false in order to preview the post without actually setting it live (it might still be indexed by search engines).
    • If you want to add a header image you should sign in to our Cloudinary and upload an image. Remember to copy the https link and not just http.
    • The image_desc doubles as the image alt text.
  2. Replace paste_post_content_here with the markdown formatted post.
    • Markdown also supports HTML so it's possible to add embedded HTML (such as YouTube videos) or HTML styling.
  3. Our website updates automatically when you click Commit changes. It might take a few seconds to parse all the posts.