
My .dot_files for OS X

Primary LanguageVim Script

My OS X dot.files

Work in progress

NB! Change to use GNU Stow for dotfiles

Get all apps to use: $XDG_CONFIG_HOME https://specifications.freedesktop.org/basedir-spec/basedir-spec-latest.html


This is the dot.files I use on my Mac. Might not be the right for you :)


  1. HomeBrew
  2. Install Alacritty - brew install alacritty
  3. Oh-my-Zsh - To the .config folder
  4. Tmux - brew install tmux
  5. Fzf - brew install fzf
  6. Zoxide - brew install zoxide


Certificate setup for Alacritty on macOS https://github.com/alacritty/alacritty/wiki/Self-Signing-Alacritty-on-macOS


$ git clone git@github.com:eysteinbye/dot_files.git ~/.dot_files && ~/.dot_files/setup.sh

NB! Copy the .config folder to $XDG_CONFIG_HOME

Quick View

A collection of plugins

This Markdown viewer is also good! QuickLook Markdown files in Finder

Other tools

  • Neovim - brew install neovim
  • ag - Silver Searcher - brew install ag
  • tree - brew install tree
  • jq - brew install jq
  • fd - brew install fd
  • fzf - brew install fzf
  • bat - brew install bat


Catppuccin has great themes for Tmux, NeoVim, Bat, LogSeq https://github.com/catppuccin


Some scripts like ql

Mac Trach

brew install macos-trash
alias rm="echo Use 'trash', or the full path i.e. '/bin/rm'"