
Controllers for SWD® drive wheel systems.

Primary LanguageC++GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1LGPL-2.1

ez-Wheel SWD® ROS Controllers


This package has been tested on ROS Melodic and Noetic, it contains ROS nodes to control motors powered by the ez-Wheel Safety Wheel Drive (SWD®) technology.

SWD® Core
Safety gear motor
SWD® 150
Safety wheel drive
SWD® StarterKit
Development kit for AGV and AMR


This package has been tested on x64_86 and armhf machines. Pre-built packages are available for ROS Noetic on Ubuntu 20.04 (for x64_86 and armhf).


  • Two SWD® based wheels
  • Ubuntu 20.04
  • ROS Noetic
  • swd-services (>= 0.1.0)


In order to install swd_ros_controllers, you need to add the ez-Wheel repository to /etc/apt/sources.list.

echo "deb http://packages.ez-wheel.com:8081/ubuntu focal main" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list

Then download and add the GPG key using following command:

wget -qO - http://packages.ez-wheel.com:8081/archive.key | sudo apt-key add -

Now, you should be able to install the ros-noetic-swd-ros-controllers package using apt:

sudo apt update && sudo apt install ros-noetic-swd-ros-controllers

Compiling from source

To compile the package, make sure you have added the ez-Wheel repository to your /etc/apt/sources.list as specified above. Then you need to install swd-services using:

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt install swd-services

In the following instructions, replace <rosdistro> with the name of your ROS distro (e.g., noetic).

source /opt/ros/<rosdistro>/setup.bash
mkdir -p ~/ros_ws/src/
cd ~/ros_ws/src/
git clone https://github.com/ezWheelSAS/swd_ros_controllers.git
cd ..
catkin_make install
source ~/ros_ws/install/setup.bash


The package comes with a preconfigured .launch file for the SWD® Starter Kit:

roslaunch swd_ros_controllers swd_diff_drive_controller.launch

Or you can run it with a custom configuration, the minimum required parameters are:

rosrun swd_ros_controllers swd_diff_drive_controller \
                           _left_swd_config_file:="/path/to/swd_left.ini" \
                           _right_swd_config_file:="/path/to/swd_right.ini" \

The swd_diff_drive_controller node

This controller drives two ez-Wheel SWD® wheels as a differential-drive robot.


  • left_swd_config_file of type string: Path to the .ini configuration file of the left motor (mandatory parameter).
  • right_swd_config_file of type string: Path to the .ini configuration file of the right motor (mandatory parameter).
  • baseline_m of type double: The distance (in meters) between the 2 wheels (mandatory parameter).
  • pub_freq_hz of type int: Frequency (in Hz) of published odometry and TFs (default 50).
  • command_timeout_ms of type int: The delay (in milliseconds) before stopping the wheels if no command is received (default 1000).
  • base_frame of type string: Frame ID for the moving platform, used in odometry and TFs (default 'base_link') (see REP-150 for more info).
  • odom_frame of type string: Frame ID for the odom fixed frame used in odometry and TFs (default 'odom') (see REP-150 for more info).
  • publish_odom of type bool: Publish odometry messages (default true).
  • publish_tf of type bool: Publish odometry TF (default true).
  • publish_safety_functions of type bool: Publish swd_ros_controllers::SafetyFunctions message (default true).
  • wheel_max_speed_rpm of type double: Maximum allowed wheel speed (in RPM), if a target speed of one of the wheels is above this limit, the controller will limit the speed of the two wheels without changing the robot's trajectory (default 75.0).
  • wheel_safety_limited_speed_rpm of type double: Wheel safety limited speed (SLS) (in RPM), if an SLS signal is detected (from a security LiDAR for example), the wheel will be limited internally to the configured SLS limit, the ROS controller uses this value to limit the target speed sent to the motor in the SLS case (default 30.0).
  • have_backward_sls of type bool: Specifies if the robot have a backward SLS signal, coming for example from a back-facing security LiDAR. If an SLS signal is available for backward movements, set this to true to take it into account. Otherwise, set the parameter to false, this will limit all backward movements to the selected wheel_safety_limited_speed_rpm (default false).
  • positive_polarity_wheel of type string: Internal parameter, used to select which wheels is set to a positive polarity (default 'Right').
  • control_mode of type string: This parameter selects the control mode of the robot, if 'Twist' is selected, the node will subscribe to the ~cmd_vel topic, if 'LeftRightSpeeds' is selected, the node subscribe to ~set_speed (default 'Twist').
  • left_encoder_relative_error of type double: Relative error for left wheel encoder, used to calculate variances and propagate them to calculate the uncertainties in the odometry message. Each encoder acquisition DIFF_LEFT_ENCODER is modeled as: DIFF_LEFT_ENCODER +/- abs(left_encoder_relative_error * DIFF_LEFT_ENCODER) (default 0.05 corresponding to 5% of error).
  • right_encoder_relative_error of type double: Relative error for right wheel encoder, used to calculate variances and propagate them to calculate the uncertainties in the odometry message. Each encoder acquisition DIFF_RIGHT_ENCODER is modeled as: DIFF_RIGHT_ENCODER +/- abs(right_encoder_relative_error * DIFF_RIGHT_ENCODER) (default 0.05 corresponding to 5% of error).

Subscribed Topics

  • ~cmd_vel of type geometry_msgs::Twist: Target linear and angular velocities (when control_mode:='Twist', this is the default).
  • ~set_speed of type geometry_msgs::Point: Target speeds in rad/s for left (Point.x) and right (Point.y) wheels (when control_mode:='LeftRightSpeeds').
  • ~soft_brake of type std_msgs::Bool: Activate or release the soft brake, send false to release the brake, or true to activate it.

Published Topics

  • ~odom of type nav_msgs::Odometry: Odometry message based on wheels encoders, containing the pose and velocity of the robot with their's associated uncertainties. Unless disabled by the publish_tf parameter, TFs with the same information are also published.
  • ~safety of type swd_ros_controllers::SafetyFunctions: Safety messages communicated by the wheels via CANOpen, the message includes information about Safe Torque Off (STO), Safety Limited Speed (SLS), Safe Direction Indication (forward/backward) (SDI+/-), and Safe Brake Control (SBC).

Custom message types

The swd_ros_controllers::SafetyFunctions message

This message encodes the safety functions read from the SWD via CANOpen.

Header header
bool safe_torque_off
bool safe_brake_control
bool safety_limited_speed
bool safe_direction_indication_forward
bool safe_direction_indication_backward


For any questions, please open a GitHub issue.

About ez-Wheel®

ez-Wheel® is an innovative company founded in 2009 and located in Angoulême, France. The ez-Wheel company has developed the first industrial drive wheel, integrating electric traction motor, embedded electronics and rechargeable batteries.

This revolutionary solution, which quickly turns any manually handled platform into an electrically assisted one. Our solutions have been adopted by hundreds of end-users to improve productivity and prevent work accidents caused by manual handling. Our products are used in a variety of applications, in fields of Automotive, Factory logistics, Warehouses, Food processing, Hospitals and Pharmaceutical industries.

The new SWD® product family targets industrial robotics applications, like Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMRs) and Automatic Guided Vehicles (AGVs). It provides a unique solution for safety critical systems, which provides safety features according to the ISO 3691-4 standard.

The ez-Wheel® company has developed a unique know-how in embedded electronics, including safety critical systems, applied to battery powered electric traction.