##Running Application on HDP 2.2

All the setting and configuration can be made from external properties file.proerty file will look like

		zkhost = localhost:2181
		inputTopic =locinput1
		KafkaBroker =sandbox.hortonworks.com:6667
		metaStoreURI = thrift://sandbox.hortonworks.com:9083
		dbName = default
		tblName = location
		We can change it according to environment in which we will run application

    1. Kafka Topic locinput1 and locoutput need to be created 

    2. Push json onto locinput1 topic (Json is under src/main/resources) folder

    3. Create Hive Table(Schema is under src/main/resources) folder

    5. Run Nimbus(Storm's master node)  by going into storm directory 

            bin/storm nimbus

    6. Run Supervisor(Storm's Worker node)  by going into storm directory  of hdp

            bin/storm supervisor

    7. Run jar that you get after packaging project  by going into storm directory of hdp
				1.To run on cluster mode we need to execute as 

			storm jar /home/ldap/chanchals/kafka-storm-integration-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar com.storm.topology.KafkaTopology /home/ldap/chanchals/topology.properties TopologyName

				2. To run on local  mode we need to execute as 

			storm jar /home/ldap/chanchals/kafka-storm-integration-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar com.storm.topology.KafkaTopology /home/ldap/chanchals/topology.properties 

    8. please execute following permision before running project 
        sudo su - hdfs -c "hdfs dfs -chmod 777 /tmp/hive"
        sudo chmod 777 /tmp/hive 

##How to Build Project Jar

if you have Eclipse IDE or equivalent IDE then do following step

 			Import Project as Maven Project 
 			Right Click on Project ->RunAs->Maven Build 
 			now type clean package
 			run your project
 			jar file will be created under target directory 

If you want to run it from command line

		simply go to project directory and do
		mvn clean package 

Project has been designed to use two storm bolts. one bolt will be used to push data into kafka topic outputhive and other bolt i.e HiveBolt is used to push data to hive table. Spout that i am using is kafkaSpout. please let me know if there is any issue while running it. # kafka-storm-hive-integration