All templates has been tested on Zabbix 4.X
To add my templates into your Zabbix distribution:
0 - Download the Cisco MIBs from
1 - Download the desired .xml
2 - From Zabbix Web GUI: Configuration -> Templates and click "import"
3 - Select the downloaded .xml and click on "Import" button
4 - Enjoy your brand new template!
For Template Cisco ASA Discovery:
The regular expression @Firewalls network interfaces for discovery
- Expression: (Internal|Virtual|management|plane|Null)
- Expression type: Result is FALSE
- CaseSensitive: TRUE
For Template Cisco WLC Discovery:
The value mapping AP MAC -> NAME:
- AP MAC: It's the corresponding AP "RADIO" MAC Address;
- NAME: You can chose anithing suits to you, i've have hostnames like AP1, AP2, ecc
Thanks to the help of @DRN88 if you wanna create a quick Value map:
- Configure SSH Client to save your terminal log. Like putty
- Log into your WLC with ssh
- Run this command:
show access-point-config
then keep pressingq
(not space for more) - Quit putty session and find your log:
- Run this bash script to generate the value map XML
egrep "(Cisco AP Name|MAC Address)" putty.log | awk 'NR%2{printf "%s ",$0;next;}1' | awk '{print $4","toupper($NF)}' | awk -f wlc.awk | xmllint --format - > zabbix-wlc-valuemap.xml
- Import
into zabbix
Content of wlc.awk
zabbix 4.0 可以沿用之前3.4 的模板,但生成文件时需要额外新增加一组"mappings"的标签。已在下面的 wlc.awk 中进行补充。
Zabbix 4.0 can continue to use the 3.x template, but you need to add a new set of "mappings" tags to "wlc.awk".
print "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"
print "<zabbix_export>"
print "<version>4.0</version>"
print "<date>2019-09-18T11:56:38Z</date>"
print "<value_maps>"
print "<value_map>"
print "<name>AP MAC -> NAME</name>"
print "<mappings>"
print "<mapping>"
print "<value>"$2"</value>"
print "<newvalue>"$1"</newvalue>"
print "</mapping>"
print "</mappings>"
print "</value_map>"
print "</value_maps>"
print "</zabbix_export>"
The regular expression @WLCs uplink interfaces
- Expression: Virtual Interface
- Expression type: Result is FALSE
- CaseSensitive: FALSE
For Template Cisco Access Switch Interfaces Discovery:
The regular expression @Switches physical interfaces
- Expression 1: Loopback
- Expression type 1: Character string not included
- CaseSensitive 1: FALSE
- Expression 2: VLAN
- Expression type 2: Character string not included
- CaseSensitive 2: FALSE
- Expression 3: ^Null0
- Expression type 3: Result is FALSE
- CaseSensitive 2: TRUE
The regular expression @Switches uplink interfaces
- Expression: UPLINK TO
- Expression type: Result is TRUE
- CaseSensitive: TRUE