
fast kafka deployment for google kubernetes engine suitable for testing not for production

Pushing docker images to container registery

In order to deploy pods to the Google Kubernetes Engine first you need to push your docker images to the Google Container Registry

docker pull zookeeper:3.6.1
docker tag zookeeper:3.6.1 gcr.io/blog-261010/zookeeper:3.6.1
docker push gcr.io/blog-261010/zookeeper:3.6.1

docker pull wurstmeister/kafka:2.12-2.5.0
docker tag wurstmeister/kafka:2.12-2.5.0 gcr.io/blog-261010/wurstmeister/kafka:2.12-2.5.0
docker push gcr.io/blog-261010/wurstmeister/kafka:2.12-2.5.0

Deploying pods and services

kubectl apply -f ./kafka/deployments/kafka-deployment.yaml
kubectl apply -f ./kafka/deployments/zookeeper-deployment.yaml
kubectl apply -f ./kafka/services/zookeeper-service.yaml
kubectl apply -f ./kafka/services/kafka-service.yaml

Managing topics

Get your kafka pod name using

kubectl get pods

Then connect to kafka pod using

kubectl exec -it kafka-pod-name -- /bin/bash

Kafka producer/consumer example as follows

/opt/kafka/bin/kafka-topics.sh --list --zookeeper zookeeper:2181
/opt/kafka/bin/kafka-console-producer.sh --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --topic testTopic
/opt/kafka/bin/kafka-console-consumer.sh --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --from-beginning --topic testTopic

If you want to add another topic to kafka you can update KAFKA_CREATE_TOPICS section of the kafka-deployment.yaml