
Proof of concept of Temporal.io in a Rails application

Primary LanguageRuby

Temporal Ruby on Rails

This is a basic Ruby on Rails example of Temporal. The example uses the workflows/activities from the temporal-ruby SDK. The implementation is a proof of concept to show how the workers can be run alongside a Rails application.


Run bundle install to get latest coinbase/temporal-ruby gem. At the time of making this, the gem was at commit 965ef0d37497a859ff57c2228badcb672036e264.

Use the bin/temporal commands, such as bin/temporal/worker.

If running locally, Temporal Server docker image must be running.

Running locally

Install foreman: gem install foreman.

Start the web and worker processes using foreman: foreman start -f Procfile.dev.


If this was deployed to Heroku, the worker bin executable would be placed in a Procfile and initialized on deploy.



Clicking the one click deploy button above will deploy this repo to a Heroku instance. Note that the workers will be running on a free worker formanation and is configured to sleep. This is not a desired behavior for an actual Temporal worker, so the worker size should be changed to a Hobby or Standard-1x instance.

Deploying to heroku will trigger the production procfile using: foreman start Procfile.

Environment variables

If running remotely, update the environment variables:


Learn more

Temporal is best learned directly from the developer documentation on the Temporal docs website.

Temporal Ruby SDK is an unofficial implementation from Coinbase by Anthony Dmitriyev.


Created by Leonard Bogdonoff from Milk Video