Rust RPN Calculator
$ git clone https://github.com/eze-kiel/rrpn.git
$ cd rrpn/
$ cargo build --release
./rrpn [-h]
== Basic operations
+, add : add the last 2 valutes of the stack
-, sub : substract the last 2 values of the stack
*, mul : multiply the last 2 values of the stack
/, div : divide the last 2 values of the stack
^, pow : do a power between the 2 values of the stack
== Trigonometry
sin : calculate the sinus of the last value
cos : calculate the cosinus of the last value
== Variables
pi : push pi to the stack
e : push e to the stack
== Misc
sum : sum the stack
mean : calculate the mean value of the stack
swap : swap the last 2 values of the stack
c, clear : clear the stack
d, drop : drop the last value of the stack
q, quit : quit the program
?, h, help : show this help