Solidity Project - Election Smart Contract Project

This project demonstrates the use of Hardhat to create a VOTING smart contract.

The voting smart contract follows the system in Nigeria, where VOTERS has to bee registered before they can vote and also CANDIDATES has be registered. So, in the contract folder is the Election.sol smart contract.

Getting Started with This Project

  • Clone the project to you desktop
  • cd into the ElectionSmartContract folder and run npm install to install all the dependencies required
  • Create a .env
  • In the .env file, add RINKEBY_RPC_KEY:"your api from alchemy" PRIVATE_KEY:"your metamask private key" and ETHERSCAN_KEY:"your etherscan key"


  • I used alchemy api you can either use alchemy or infura. Which ever one you like
  • I also used my metamask private key. So, you have to use yours to sign the transactions Guide to show your metamask private key
  • I also used Etherscan API for the contract verification. When a contract is verified on etherscan, it has a green check mark that allows you to see and interact with the contract from etherscan
  • You will need some test ether to be able to deploy contract. Get Rinkeby, Ropston or Kovan Faucets from Chainlink

So, in the .env file, you need to replace the above API KEYS with your's.

To Deploy The Contract

The deploy script is in the scripts folder. Since am using Rinkeby (you can use any testnet of your choice). To deploy the smart contract run npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.js --network rinkeby this will deploy the cntract to etherscan rinkeby testnet

Interacting with the Contract from the CLI

To interact with the smart contact from the command line, I have defined some tasks in the tasks folder

  • task to get the total number of registered candidate get-totalCandidate
  • task to add a new candidate add-candidate
  • task to register a new voter register-voter

How to run the task

first, run npx hardhat you will see the three custom task that I have defined. Then

  • for get-totalCandidate task, run npx hardhat get-totalCandidate --contract contract_address_from_the_deploy_script
  • for add-candidate task, the function requires the name party age of the candidate. So, you need to pass those values. Run npx hardhat add-candidate --contract contract_address_from_the_deploy_script --name candidateName --party candidateParty --age candidateAge
  • for register-voter, the function requires the voters address as a value. So, run npx hardhat register-voter --contract contract_address_from_the_deploy_script --address votersAccountAddress


If you follow through the process and you find it difficult to get the smart contract up and running, simply create a new issue I am always whilling to assist.