
my linux dotfiles

Primary LanguageRoff

I use GNU Stow to manage my dot files.

Thank you to everyone who shared there dotfiles and configs on Reddit and especially on the Arch Linux Discord.

I use an Antergos base install with i3 as a windows manager.

  • To emulate my system you will need to install these packages:
pacaur -S i3-wm zsh xorg-xrdb i3-gaps-git polybar sublime-text rofi ranger i3lock-blur wal-git compton termite zsh dunst  
sh -c "$(wget https://raw.github.com/robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh/master/tools/install.sh -O -)" 
  • You may also like these terminal decorations and such tools:
pacaur -S cmatrix bash-pipes neofetch scrot nitrogen 

Please notify me of any errors!