
Primary LanguageJavaScript


Note: if the live version does not display data, it is likely due to rate limits w/IEX Cloud, running locally should do the trick! You can also bring your own API token https://happy-burro.netlify.app?token=[IEX_Cloud_Token]

Live version: https://happy-burro.netlify.app

Install As Desktop Application

To install as an application via Google Chrome Browser follow below steps:

  1. Open https://happy-burro.netlify.app in Chrome 70+
  2. Go to Settings (option on top right corner next to address bar)
  3. Choose “Install Ticker …” option and done!

These steps will install https://happy-burro.netlify.app as a desktop application and create a desktop shortcut.

Running Locally


Make sure that latest Node is installed.

If you plan on running the project via docker you will need docker and docker-compose


First, clone this repo!

There are two apps in this repo, the ui and telmetry services. You will need to start each one respectively.


To start the ui:

$ cd ui/

Then, install all dependencies:

$ npm install

Finally, to run the project for development:

$ npm start

Or, to run the project for production:

$ npm run build && npm run serve


To start telemetry:

$ cd telemetry/

Then, install all dependencies:

$ npm install

Finally, to run the project for production/development:

$ npm start

Profiling / Performance

Profiling the UI is done using lighthouse, run the following to see report:

$ cd ui && npm run profile

The browser will automatically open with a fresh report 100/100 :)


The live version is deployed via netlify. Netlify offers free static hosting w/http2. The telemetry service is not deployed anywhere, it needs to run locally for now.

To deploy the UI to netlify, simply land a PR, netlify will do the rest.


  • fastest build on the market! ~7ms
  • deterministic build, dev & prod use exact same build
  • minimal dependancy graph for light dev experience, less dependancies, easy to configure
  • can be installed on desktop via install button or via chrome settings (see instructions above)
  • service worker pre-caches static assets for faster page load (index.html, entry.js, styles.css), and runtime (todo: introduce a cache invalidation strategy)
  • static server: gzip, cache-control, brotli
  • progressive loading w/ skeleton placeholders
  • virtualized lists and data tables
  • preact for small bootstrap
  • pre-commit hooks for linting and testing
  • responsive, looks good on mobile
  • progressive web app (PWA), network resilient, fallback experience when offline
  • lighthouse score 100/100
  • leveraging type checking & linting without the overhead of typescript or eslint (jsdoc, tslint, vscode, prettier)
  • containerized via Docker
  • nginx static server capable

Todos / Notes

  • [] fix Dockerfile's, docker-compose is not working, related to esbuild
  • [] enhance tests (skipped configuring jest, opt for tape, prefer integration test)
  • [] introduce target browsers, currently targeting esnext (es2020, chrome, firefox)
  • [] add post process css using postcss (add selector nesting, etc.)
  • [] enable search params in url bar (sharable urls)
  • [] needs cross browser testing, runs great on chrome!
  • [] inlining styles, need to use script and inject critical path css
  • [] introduce linting/type checking ci and precommit hooks