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App to help NGOs built with ReactJS, React Native, Node.js and more.

About this Project


The web page will be used to register the NGO, where you will receive an ID for access. Subsequently, cases will be registered on the profile page.


In the application will be listed all the cases registered by the NGOs, where you will have WhatsApp and E-mail so that the user can contribute with the case by contacting the responsible person directly.


BeTheHero is a project that aims to connect people who want to make monetary contributions to NGOs (non-governmental organizations) that need help.


  • NodeJs - Build the server
  • ReactJs - A JavaScript library for building user interfaces
  • React Native - Native Development
  • Expo - Deploy and quickly iterate on native Android, iOS, and web apps
  • SQLite3 - DB Connector
  • Express - Router of the Application
  • KnexJs - SQL query builder for Postgres, MSSQL, MySQL, MariaDB, SQLite3, Oracle, and Amazon Redshift
  • Celebrate - A joi validation middleware for Express.
  • CORS - Cross-origin Resource Sharing
  • Axios - Promise based HTTP client for the browser and NodeJs
  • Jest - Jest is a JavaScript testing framework maintained by Facebook
  • Supertest - Super-agent driven library for testing node.js HTTP servers
  • Prettier - An opinionated code formatter
  • ESlint - ESLint statically analyzes your code to quickly find problems.

Development setup


To run this project in the development mode, you'll need to have a basic environment with NodeJs and Expo CLI installed.

Cloning the Repository

git clone



Run yarn in the backend folder;

Run yarn start to up the server;

Open Insomnia or Postman and import the Insomnia.json workspace file at backend folder.


Run yarn in the frontend folder;

Run yarn start to up the project;


Run yarn in the mobile folder

Update the baseURL at src/services/api.js.

Run expo start to up the project.


Run yarn test:backend at the backend folder;


Update the database

knex migrate:latest

To rollback all the completed migrations:

yarn migrate:rollback

To run the next migration that has not yet been run

knex migrate:up

To undo the last migration that was run

knex migrate:down


MIT License