Kraken Pokedex

version: Dart version: Flutter


  • Run the project and read the tips first.
  • Use PokeApi V2 in the app.
  • Delete the sample_feature folder after you read it.
  • Design is totally up to you.


Requirement Obligation
Using feature-first architecture (current structure) BONUS
Adding Facebook Sign-in for authentication MANDATORY
Adding Google Sign-in and Anonymous login for authentication BONUS
Using Bloc for State Management. MANDATORY
Using Chopper for Network Requests BONUS
Using JSON Serializable for JSON Parsing BONUS
Pagination for list screen BONUS
Write Unit tests BONUS
Writing Widget tests BONUS
Writing Integration tests BONUS


Login Page

  • Login with Facebook (Firebase)

Pokemon List Screen

Pokemon Detail Screen

  • Show these info from response:
    • Image
    • Name
    • Ability
    • Moves
    • Stats
    • Types

Project Structure


└── feature_x/
    ├── data/
    │   ├── repository/
    │   └── service/
    ├── domain/
    │   └── models/
    └── presentation/
        ├── screen_a/
        │   ├── bloc/
        │   └── view/
        └── screen_b/
            ├── bloc/
            └── view/